Percy Gets Facebook

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Happy guys. I finally got Facebook


Leo: FINALLY dude took u long enough

Hazel: finally

Frank: All right!!!

Piper: U didn't have it already!!

Jason: Wow, Annabeth had it before u

Annabeth: HEY!!! That's insulting. But it is true, it took u a long time

Percy Jackson: Hey it's not my fault that I couldn't find a computer

Nico: Seriously. Athena cabin has like a million

Annabeth: How do u know that!?

Nico: Where do u think I got mine

Percy Jackson: SORRY!!

Travis: Hey

Connor: Percy

Travis: What's

Connor: Up

Annabeth: Seriously guys, finishing each others sentences.

Piper: That is so stereotypical twin

Connor: It's not our fault

Travis: We r telepathic

Annabeth: No one is telepathic

Connor and Travis: We r

Jason: Seriously guys

Percy Jackson: If u guys r telepathic the what am I thinking of

Connor and Travis: PIZZA!!

Nico: He's thinking about Annabeth

Percy: Nico is telepathic!!!!!!!

Connor and Travis: How did u know!?!

Nico: He is Percy what else would he be thinking about. Duh

Annabeth: awww. Ur so sweet percy

Percy: <3 ya

Hazel: awwww

Piper: He is so sweet. Why couldn't our boyfriends be more like that hazel?

Hazel: idk. Boys u've got anything to say?

Jason: we r romantic

Frank: we took u on a double date last week

Piper: that was last month!!!!!

Leo: u guys r in trouble

Jason: percy look what u and ur girlfriend have done

Annabeth: it's not our fault u guys are not romantic

Travis: u guys better take ur girls on a date

Frank and Jason: girls meet us by the pond in 30min

Frank and Jason and Piper and Hazel have logged off

Leo: Well it looks like its just us single people left

Percy: Wrong. Hey annabeth meet me by the battle field in 30min

Annabeth: See u there seaweed brain

Percy and Annabeth have logged off

Leo: I wish I had a girl

Nico: like that will ever happen

Leo: HEY

Nico: gtg uh got to clean the cabin

Nico has logged off

Leo: Nico don't leave me :(

Leo has logged off

--Well that is the first chapter. I hope it was ok. It was my first story. Till next time

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