Chapter 8: Confessions

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(Y/n) and Jade sat in silence underneath the moon. They were still in the park, although they had moved from the bench to a table which had a chessboard, just like in the movies.

"Checkmate" (y/n) was pulled from his thoughts as Jade moved her queen to trap him.

"Merde" the boy cursed as he realized she had just beaten him. His annoyance left though when he heard his friend giggle at his little outburst.

"You may kick my derrière in football but chess is my game" Jade spoke confidently, glad she had found a game she could beat this boy at.

"So it would seem" (y/n) nodded in agreement as he leaned back in his seat, looking up at the moon in the sky. "It's a full moon tonight"

Jade glanced up before nodding. "How romantic" she spoke sarcastically. "I definitely had that in mind when I invited you out"

"I'm sure you did" (y/n) let out a soft chuckle as he looked back to Jade and his eyes met hers. He had been replaying the events of earlier tonight a few times in his head, he now searched her eyes for any sign that she had done the same thing. If she had then she was better at hiding it. "Can I ask you something personal?"

Jade's smile faltered for just a moment before it returned and she nodded. "Of course. I'm surprised you even think you need to ask"

(Y/n) smiled back as he tried to figure out how best to word his question. "I know I was kinda stupid earlier but that didn't bother you to much did it?"

"Of course not" Jade's response was immediate. "Why would you think that?"

"I can tell when you're upset. You're good at hiding it but the first hour or so we were here you seemed less... yourself" (y/n) explained as he reached across the table and took Jade's hand.

Jade's smile turned into a more melancholy one. "I was annoyed at myself for something. You did nothing to put me in a bad mood"

"Oh" (y/n) nodded as he tried to figure out why she was annoyed at herself. "Anything I can help with?"

"Yes" Jade said but didn't elaborate. She thought she had made her feelings obvious enough at this point, but she still had a fear of outright saying it.

(Y/n) waited for her to continue until he realized she wouldn't tell him. He squeezed her hand comfortingly. "Well if you ever want to tell me then I'm right here"

"I know. You're the best" was all Jade said in response. She held the boys hand for another minute before pulling it back to her side. "If I were to tell you what it is-" she cut herself off as her heart rate raised. She made sure to listen to her music more and the boy less to try and get it back down.

"I wouldn't judge you if that's what you're thinking" (y/n) spoke as he started resetting the chess pieces. "Although I'd think you would already know that"

"You'd think" Jade said with that same melancholy smile. "But there are some things it's impossible to say without changing someone's opinion on you"

(Y/n) nodded in agreement. What could she have to say like that? She had never been in a relationship so she had never cheated on anyone, she hopefully wasn't a murderer, and he was ninety nine percent sure that she wasn't secretly from Quebec.

"Well..." the boy shrugged. "As long as you aren't a murderess then we will always be friends, no matter what it is you are annoyed at yourself for"

That got a quick giggle out of Jade. "Don't worry, you're the last person I would murder"

"Merci" (y/n) blew a kiss in her direction playfully.

She seriously considered saying what she was thinking before coming to a decision. It was late, she was tired, she'd tell the truth, and she'd hope it didn't blow up in her face.

"I like you"

"I like you too" (y/n) replied simply and immediately.

Jade looked at him like he was an idiot. "I don't mean like the way friends do, I mean I like like you"

"Oh" (y/n)'s first reaction was for the second time today not the best one. "I didn't think you-"

"Well I do" Jade spoke frankly as she put her hand on the table between them. "I've been struggling with that for a while, I wasn't sure how I felt about dating someone who was so young but I don't care anymore"

"I'm two years younger than you" (y/n) spoke with a confused look.

"As I said" Jade replied with a shrug, encouraged by the fact that he hadn't yet turned her down. "So pretend to be an adult and give me a calm response"

"But- I am an adult" the boy frowned and Jade almost laughed at how young saying that made him sound.

"Sure. Now either turn me down or say you like me too" she requested as she looked down at her hand, unable to meet her best friend's eyes.

"Oh, right" (y/n) nodded before taking Jade's hand. Until he spoke next she expected that he had done that just to soften the blow when he told her that he didn't like her. "Of course I like like you"

Jade's eyes quickly shot up and met the boys. "Really?"

(y/n) nodded as he held her hand tighter. "Tu es une belle idiote"

Jade's frown turned to confusion which turned to a smile and then restarted that cycle as she tried to figure out what he meant. "Are you flirting or insulting me?"

"Why can't it be both?" (Y/n) asked as he held her hands tighter to comfort her. "You're a beautiful idiot. And I'm just a naive idiot"

"How's that?" Jade asked with an annoyed tone although her ever enlarging smile betrayed her true emotions.

"Well we both completely missed the fact that we were obviously in love with one another. But you're pretty so you get to be the beautiful idiot while I'm stuck with just being naive"

Jade couldn't help but giggle at this as she turned her hand over so she could hold (y/n)'s hand back. "You're a jerk, the first thing you say after I confess to you is that I'm an idiot?"

"Yes. That's my version of charm"

"Sure it is" Jade shook her head and laughed again. "So what does this mean for us?" She asked more seriously after a moment.

"Well..." (y/n) moved his first pawn on the chess board to start the next game. "I suggest that we consider this our first official date"

"You want chess to be our first date?" Jade smiled at the idea of such an unusual first date.

"I was thinking a romantic night under the full moon but chess works too" (y/n) shrugged as Jade now took her turn.

"Okay" Jade smiled as she pulled the boys hand to her and kissed it. "Consider that kiss a sorry for how badly I'm about to kick your butt"

(Y/n) couldn't help the widening of the smile as he felt the kiss. "Alright... but you have to let me win the next game" he spoke as he moved his next piece.

"Maybe" was all Jade shrugged as she moved her knight. "If I'm feeling generous"

Word count: 1258

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