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okay sorry in advance LOL


Sunday comes sooner than Heeseung expects.

Although nervous to meet a group of strangers like a true introvert, he's ready to get down with this Sunghoon guy in Jake's honor if need be.

True to his word, Jake stops by his and Riki's dorm long after Riki leaves for Jungwon's house.

"No Sooha?" Jake asks, looking over Heeseung's shoulder. Heeseung huffs out a laugh at how he has to tiptoe even with those tall shoes he wears. It's cute.

"No," he confirms. "Just me."

The corners of Jake's lips twitch softly at that. He steps back without another word and waits for Heeseung to shut the door.


"Dinner's going to be fun, okay? The boys know you're coming, but they're not awkward or anything. They're actually really, really friendly. I really do think you and Sunghoon-ah would be great friends." Heeseung listens to Jake ramble on and on about his new friends until he's opening the door of the restaurant for them to go through 15 minutes later. Jake's smile is blinding when he thanks him. Heeseung returns it with a smaller one of his own.

"And they're all super funny, too." Even on the way in, he pauses only once to tell the hostess they have reservations under Park Jongseong, but Heeseung decides listening to him is better than chiming in anyways.

"Enjoy your dinner," the hostess says quietly, holding the sliding door open for them to enter. They both thank her, entering the private dining room quickly.

"Ah, hyung! You're here!" A boy with fluffy cheeks and slanted eyes cheers happily. He's sitting at the end of table closest to the door. In front of him is a guy with a sharp jawline and a cat-like facial structure who bows his head politely at Heeseung. Heeseung bows back.

"Hi, Sunoo-yah," Jake greets him, ruffling his hair. Sunoo whines in protest, mutters something about Jake ruining his hair under his breath.

Heeseung can feel everyone's eyes on him, yet no one says anything about him intruding. He knows he's actually not, but with eyes as heavy as Sunoo's it feels like he is.

"Come," Jake whispers, tugging on his sleeve. Heeseung bows and waves politely at all of them as he follows behind the speeding boy.

"Sit, hyung." Jake giggles. He looks just like a puppy with the way he tilts his head, brown eyes big and wide with curiosity. There's no more seats next Jake besides the one in front of him. Heeseung walks around the table awkwardly, head hung low as he makes way to the spot.

Introductions and greetings with everyone else are brief,
making them feel like they didn't happen. Until Sunghoon.

Sunghoon's eyes are dark and emotionless as he stares at Heeseung. No sparkle like when he stares at Jake or the rest of the boys around the table.

"Hi, Heeseung-ssi," he says, bowing his head politely.

Heeseung returns it with an awkward smile. He feels his eye twitch at how disrespectful Sunghoon feels. It's all flat and dry. He doesn't like it.

"Hey." He leaves it at that.

As dinner goes on, Heeseung can't deny how out of place he feels with them. He thought his brother sitting next to him and his best friend being here would help but they're 2 hours in and he's talked to neither of them.

ALL I WANTED. heejake.  ✓Where stories live. Discover now