1. Interstellar bloodsuckers

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I let out a loud sigh, feeling the fatigue settle into my bones, as I twisted around on the keyboard stool. Elizabeth, the movie director, exchanged a quiet remark with her ever-smiling assistant. Seizing the moment, I stole a quick glance at Sophie.

There it was, that unmistakable glimmer in her warm, brown eyes. I recognized it instantly- I knew we were doing well -no, not just well, but exceptionally so.

...of what I wasn't so sure about.

Elizabeth, or rather Liz, as she insisted we call her from day one, was fully engrossed in her scribbled notes. She scanned them briefly, as if searching for any hint of criticism or additional feedback. But then her expression softened, a satisfied smile playing on her lips, her shoulders relaxing into a contented shrug.

"Phew! Well, that went smoother than I dared hope!" she exclaimed, a grin spreading across her face, punctuated by a decisive nod, "Don't you agree?"

Sophie, my trusty producer, unfurled herself from her chair with a stretch, gesturing toward the big screen. The film was still a work in progress, with scenes yet to be captured and plenty of editing ahead, but the overall vibe was promising. Not that I wasn't relieved. Working under tight deadlines wasn't exactly my forte.

"Absolutely," she said in with a wide smile. "Any final thoughts, then? Now that you know our vision fully?"

The vision, if we're being honest, was mostly mine.

"I don't think you even have to ask! You definitely have the green light to continue!" the director beamed, her eyes darting towards me with an eager spark. "I can't wait to see what you come up with next. This movie-it means the world to me. Perhaps it's my best work yet... I have this tingling feeling that the soundtrack will be nothing short of extraordinary."

The best? I pursed my lips slightly. I just saw this movie. Well, parts of it. And luckily I had to watch it about twenty more times...

In response, however, I simply offered a serene smile and a nod, "I'm happy to hear that. I'm quite excited, too."

I was many things, excited was really amongst them, although it was overshadowed by the mass of other emotions that had already begun to swirl in my head.

Sophie preferred my brevity during these sessions, saving deeper discussions for later, more private moments. Unless, of course, the topic revolved around the nuances of a particular musical scene. And honestly, I was fine with that arrangement.

While doubts occasionally crept into my mind about various aspects of the job, what truly mattered to Sophie was the satisfaction of the film director or client, even when uncertainty clouded our path forward.

Convenient... mostly for her.

Yet, it was thanks to her that the studio thrived. Handling negotiations, championing Sgt. Pepper's Score Studio-this was Sophie's domain. Her finesse in navigating potential obstacles without losing her enthusiasm for the craft was absolutely admirable. It was always a pleasure to witness her in action.

She was a true master of her profession. Who was I to argue with someone like her?

And Liz? Well, she seemed to be a nice and passionate person. Self-confident, but that only made her job easier.

We were basically done. After swiftly ironing out a few key details-dates, deadlines, and the inevitable paperwork-we bid farewell to Liz and the rest of the team. Then, without much ado, Sophie tugged me into her office without a word, the door clicking shut behind us.

I barely had a chance to utter a single word before her embrace enveloped me, strong and tight, causing my meticulously arranged notes to scatter like confetti. I couldn't suppress a burst of laughter. Sophie, typically composed and polished, had these moments of raw authenticity that I cherished deeply.

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