Coronation of Power

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As Kendrick carries Cordelia in his arms, he feels her shallow breaths against his chest. Zeddicus leads the way, his staff illuminating the dark path as they make their way back to the demon realm. Alec walks alongside them, his eyes fixed on Cordelia, hoping for her speedy recovery. The girls chatter nervously, relieved to be on their way back to safety. They cross the rugged terrain, which seems to stretch out endlessly before them. The trees whisper secrets, and the wind howls mournfully, but they press on, determined to reach their destination.

Hours pass, and the group finally arrives at the abandoned Royal Kane Palace. The palace, once a grand and majestic structure, is now a desolate and eerie place. The giant doors creak as they enter the grand foyer, and the sound echoes through the empty halls.

Kenrick gently carries Cordelia up the grand staircase and into the bedroom they had stayed in previously. He lays her down on the bed, her body limp and weary from the exertion of her newfound powers. As he exits the room, he closes the door behind him, ensuring Cordelia's privacy. Kenrick rejoins the others downstairs, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. The girls of Sin stand before him, their expressions grateful yet fatigued.

"You can each choose a room to wash up and rest. Take your time, and if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

"Thank you, Kenrick. We appreciate your help and kindness."

The girls of Sin disperse, each heading towards a different room to find solace and rejuvenation. Kenrick's attention then turns to Alec, who stands with a mixture of concern and determination.

"Alec, do you need any assistance going up the stairs? You've been through a lot."

"No, Zeddicus. I want to be with Cordelia. I just want to watch over her and make sure she's okay."

Kenrick steps forward, blocking Alec's path, his expression serious.

"Alec, Cordelia is exhausted. She needs her rest. You being there won't change anything. She can no longer return your love. It's time to accept that."

"I won't disturb her. I just want to be there for her. Please, Kenrick, let me visit her."

"Kenrick, leave him be. Alec deserves a chance to be with Cordelia. Let him visit her."

Kenrick's gaze softens, understanding the depth of Alec's feelings. He steps aside, allowing Alec to proceed up the stairs.

"Alright, but please be gentle with her. She needs her rest more than anything."

Alec nods, gratitude and determination shining in his eyes. He ascends the stairs, his steps cautious yet filled with purpose.

Alec enters the room, his gaze immediately finding Cordelia's sleeping form. He approaches the bed with quiet reverence, careful not to disturb her delicate slumber. He pulls up a chair and sits by her side, his eyes never leaving her face.

"I'm here, Cordelia. I'll watch over you. I won't leave your side."

He reaches out, his fingers lightly brushing against her hand, seeking solace in the connection. He remains steadfast, determined to be there for Cordelia, regardless of the challenges they face.

Cordelia remains in a deep coma, her breathing steady and her body peaceful. Days pass, and concern weighs heavily upon her friends' hearts. Alec seeks solace in the presence of Kenrick and Zeddicus, hoping to gain clarity about Cordelia's condition.

"Kenrick, Zeddicus, what really happened to Cordelia? Why is she like this? Why won't she wake up?"

"Alec, we're not entirely sure why she is like this. It might have something to do with what happened between Cordelia and Memoria, but we are not sure what went on between them. When we arrived at the waterfall, Cordelia was the only one allowed to pass through the waterfall barrier and gain access to meet Memoria. Zeddicus and I were thrown out. All we know is that she regained her memories."

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