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StarReader's POV

I look at the fragile, crystal  white/blue egg in my talons as I look at it lovingly. Snowstorm took a withered glance at it and let out a snarl.

"Why does it look...odd?" Snowstorm hissed.

I only eyerolled. This ignorant Icewing will never understand Nightwing culture.

"Nothing is wrong with our dragonet." I snapped. "It's not going to be my fault if our dragonet hatches weird looking. It's normal for Nightwing eggs to turn white because they were laid under the moons."

This stupid tribe always have to be so smug and superior about everything.. Snowstorm's thoughts growled.

Snowstorm let out a growl. "Why does your tribe have to be so weird."

"Well, at least we don't put the entire tribe together just for some stupid rankings! At least we don't do that!"

Snowstorm huffed out some frostbreath from his mouth in anger. "At least we don't hatch under the stupid moons only to get some powers that you can stalk people with! Like your stupid mind reading!"

I winked my snout a little in anger. "At least our tribe doesn't do these idiotic traditions every single day! Lowborn Icewings like you will never understand us Nightwings." I spread my wings a bit looking a big smug.

Snowstorm let out a low growl, emitting from frostbreath. "That's one of the worst things about your STUPID tribe! Your tribe always have to be so smug on where you go and act all superior and saying to other dragons that your better then them." Snowstorm then snorted a laugh. "At least us Icewings do it a much more fancier way."

I hated your tribe from the very beginning.. Snowstorm hissed in my head.

"With your stupid rankings?" I pointed out with a slight roar. " Your dum rankings are just proving on who's better and who's worst in your ignorant tribe."


Me and Snowstorm look down seeing that our egg has a crack on it. A big one actually.

I carefully set it down and watched carefully in case that Icewing will do something to it.

The crystal blue egg started to form more and more cracks until the egg shell snapped opened revealing a tiny hatchling who's tiny wings were spread wide from the break out on the eggshell.

The tiny hatchling let out a tiny squeak as she fell on her side with her blue eyes looking at both of us.

The moonlight shined onto the tiny hatchlings scales. Azure collided with a sea blue with her pale white scale topping it all off.

She had a white diamond on her forehead as well as near her eyes. Her icicles on her back and tail were sharp, and looked deadly. The edges of her wings had diamonds on the ends with a darker purple.

"FallenStar," I muttered under my breath, amazed by my daughter.

"Fallenstar?" Snowstorm snorted.

I slightly bared my teeth at him. "Oh, I'm sorry for coming up with such a bad name. Do you have something better then!?"

His mind searched through some names, but he kept neglecting them.

He finally gave up as I nodded, pleasingly. "That's what I thought." I smirked a little.

FallenStar kept glancing at us back and forth over and over again, giving us curious looks.

"Remember," I started, giving Snowstorm a stern look. "We have to treat her equally. She is our dragonet. Not yours. Not mine. But ours. Got it?"

Snowstorm nodded, understanding. His mind started to rush back to Darkstalker.

I told him to quit thinking of that! I complained in my head. What can I say?

He's a lowborn Icewing. Of course he would think about some scary legend.

I took one glance at FallenStar as she looks at me too with her baby blue eyes.

I hope you don't turn out like Darkstalker little one...

1 year later

"Why do you always have to be so careless!" I suddenly snapped, hiding Fallenstar under my wing.

Snowstorm suddenly looked at me with his cold glacier breaking eyes. "What did I ever do to you?"

"I swear you take after your dum Icewing prince. Prince Artic! Your so delusional and you don't even take care of Star!"

I covered Star under my wing more, hoping that it would block her hearing a bit.

"You always just ignore her everytime she asks you a question! She just wants to spend some time with you! You her father! SO START ACTING LIKE IT!"

Snowstorm's mind felt like a spear of hate, but it felt dazed, almost fuzzy.

Snowstorm suddenly walked up and grabbed Star from under my wing. Star was hidden under her wings in fear.

"What are you doing?" I snarled, sounding worried.

Snowstorm only let Star curl into his talons. Snowstorm glared back at me with his glacier-cracking eyes.

"You're not wrong. I do take after Artic. I have Animus magic, and I'm smart enough to realize that arguing in front of our dragonet isn't going to help her."

Snowstorm took a deep breath. "I'm taking her to the Ice Kingdom so she can live with me."

I seemed shocked. "What do you think Queen Blizzard would think of you bringing our dragonet over there? Would she be like Queen Diamond and kill her instantly!" I hissed.

Snowstorm eyerolled and started to turn around, he swung his tail in anger.

"Blizzard isn't like Diamond. Blizzard is more forgiving, besides. I'm sure she would mind Star being in the Ice Kingdom."

Snowstorm laughed a little. "And I thought you Nightwings we're smart. Remember, I'm the one with magic. You're the mind-reading freak."

My eyes slightly widened as Snowstorm spread his wings and flew off, leaving me behind. Lonely. Taking Star with him.

I will get Star back matter what I have to do to get her.

Only Puppets To Him -A Wings Of Fire Fanfic- *Rewrite*Where stories live. Discover now