Chapter 3: Post cena + Consilium - a rewrite

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Post cena 15 + Consilium 16 rewrite

The rest of the story is probably not gonna be a rewrite of a suburani chapter because idk how the story will continue for lucilius and how its gonna work with the storyboard I have planned. In other words, no more bad grammar from my awful translations after this chapter.  (except for half of the next chapter) 💀👍

Post Cena Chapter 15

Lucilius's pov

I sink deeper under my blanket trying to escape the cold embrace of night. I gave up on trying to sleep a couple hours ago. It's the middle of the night now and i'm still not tired. I look around at the unfamiliar room. The freshly clean ivory walls were cracked where the sides met. A large patch of dark stains from years of water damage were only slightly obscured by a large wooden wardrobe. With long scratch marks on the wooden floor matching up to the legs like it was recently moved. I appreciate Cantaber's slaves for trying hard to make this room look presentable for me. I am not oblivious to the fact everyone else at the dinner party was given better rooms to stay the night in. How petty.

I roll over on my side. I have to admit praying to Minerva has not been much help. Perhaps Venus has taken interest in my current dilemma and prevented her from interfering. I'd presume she'd enjoy such a forbidden love story. I must admit even I enjoyed reading the love story between Pyramus and Thisbe, though I'd rather not end up like them. I always thought it was ridiculous he took his life like that after thinking thisbe was dead. They hadn't even known each other for that long.

"Lucilius" i sit up, did someone say my name? Goosebumps spread over my arm no longer held back by the warmth of the blanket. "Lucilius" the voice whispers again. "Tiro? What happened?" he was standing in the garden outside the open window gesturing for me to come over "master come here! A slave told me wagons were approaching the warehouse '' I leap out of bed rushing to the door, this is our chance! "Don't go through the house master!" tiro yells in a loud whisper just as my hand grip the door knob. "I heard there is a former slave guarding your door" i nod back at him silently, if there is a guard behind my door I don't want them to hear me. I tip toe over to my sandals. Shivering as I slide the cold leather over my feet. Tiro waves me over to the window. With my arms I push myself up on the window frame as I swing one leg over and out the window. Tiro holds one of my arms steady as I bring my other leg over and land on the grass. "Let's go" I say, climbing over one of the flower planters. Being careful not to step on the daisies or the strange pile of petals on the other side. Tiro follows shortly behind as we make our way across the garden to the warehouse.

After a very short walk we hide behind one of the stone brick walls to get a better view of the wagons when they approach the warehouse. The first to arrive was a large wagon full of bags of grain. A male slave walks around to the back and pulls one of the bags from the cart. A large Bald Freeman orders him to bring the bag inside. When the slave returns he retrieves a heavy crate from another slave. He struggles to pull the box into the warehouse. Two guards were whispering among themselves. Tiro and I were only barely able to make out what they were saying. "How many crates are already in the warehouse?" one guard asked. "I don't know, comrade. But I think that master is happy. My friend told him that boxes in the warehouse were opened and a lot of gold was taken out" the other guard responded. Large hands suddenly grip my arms, yanking me from behind the wall. A small yelp escapes my lips before I can stop it. My knees slam into the packed dirt as I'm shoved to the ground. Next to me another person grabs Tiro and wrestles him to the floor before he can resist. "Ahh" A sharp stinging pain rips through my shoulder as my arms are yanked back. The man behind me, with one hand, holds my hands together tightly behind my back. Contouring and twisting the flesh and bones of my hands. His other hand digs into my upper back, forcing me down. "You two don't resist us!" shouts the large freeman pushing Tiro into the floor. "Bring them to Cantaber!" a guard ordered. We are so screwed..

Consilium Chapter 16

We did classwork on this story and most of the story was already translated. So I was gonna use it and THEN I LOST IT LIKE??? I never lose my papers but the one time I actually need something it's gone. So anyway I had to borrow my friends so let's all thank he/she/her because without them/she/he I would have given up and skipped this chapter. 😍👍

Lucilius's pov

Despite my best efforts to wiggle out of the grasp of my captor as he dragged me through the yard. My escape remained unsuccessful by the time we reached our destination. The freeman shoved me to the Cantaber's room while the other took Tiro into one of the neighboring rooms. Unlike the dinky little worn down room he forced me to stay in, Cantaber's room was large and elegant. The walls were bright white, a shade that can only be the product of the daily diligent cleaning. The wooden furniture all had detailed carvings of elegant designs and images of the gods, adjourned with gold. Silk red sheets were draped over the large bed near the corner. Next to the bed on either side were two small tables. The only thing on them were lit candles and a stack of leather books. On the other side of the room was a tall wooden desk littered with papers. Standing in front of it was Cantaber and Otho, the governor of the province of Luthistania. In Front of them was a chair that I was promptly sat down in by the freeman.

3rd person pov

Canatber was unable to hide his fury. his brows furrowed in anger as he glared at Lucilius. Otho on the other hand was calm. Intently watching Lucilius but saying nothing. Cantaber however fiercely asked Lucilius, "Why were you wandering through my garden in the middle of the night with that slave, young man?" Lucilius sits up, straightening his back against the chair. "Why must you carefully hide so much gold?" Lucilius retorted boldly. He continues "where did you steal it from? Where was it sent? Surely you don't owe a lot of debt?" Cantaber raises a pointed finger at Lucilius and begins berating him.

While Cantaber was criticizing Lucilius, Otho, who was getting tired of Cantabers yelling, stepped in. as he gently lowers Cantaber's raised hand he says "My companion is not able to control his anger." he leans into Cantabers ear, "stop, my friend, time is short." he whispers. Smiling, he turns back to Lucilius. "You learned a lot, My Lucilius. [my lucilius is crazy] You act well and Successfully. Now Listen to my advice, which I will offer willingly."Othosaid sweetly. Lucilius sits silently as the governor continues. "The Roman Empire will be in great danger. because Nero instead of an emperor wants to act like a king. What sort of emperor sets his own city, people, and house on fire? Do you wish that that insane cruel man would leave the empire?" Otho could sense Lucilius's hesitation. "Do you know why Seneca, a dear friend of your father, is dead?" Otho asked. When Lucilius didn't reply, Otho continued. "Nero forced him to commit suicide." again lucilius said nothing. "Therefore I am using the gold, which Cantaber hides in the warehouse. I have already begun to prepare a legion of soldiers. With this legion I will attack the monster and his legion. Will you help me? You will be given a huge reward." Lucilius didn't have to think too hard about his answer. While he wasn't a huge fan of nero he had no desire to betray Rome's emperor. Especially not alongside Canatber and his anger issues. How could someone so incompetent believe he could keep his plan from nero when he couldn't even hide it from lucilius? Lucilius stood up from the chair. "I won't join you," he said coldly. Otho took a step back, a bit surprised by his answer. "Do you understand what turning us down means!? Are you really just gonna sit back and let that tyrant continue being in power!?" Lucilius pushed past the guard standing in front of the door, "that 'tyrant' gave me the opportunity to be an officer in the army. I won't betray him." and with that lucilius left the room. Grabbed tiro from the next room over and together they left Cantabers house.

"Where are we going now?" asked Tiro as the two men rode their horses down a moonlit forest path. "The city, there's something I must find....."

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