14 | Defeated Heart

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Changbin sighed as he watched a sleeping Soomin from the corner of his eyes. The drive back was silent, so he decided to play some slow music.

He felt like he had overstepped his boundaries that day.

What if it affected how Soomin acted around him? He was actually starting to enjoy her company.

"Should've thought of that before being nosy." He mumbled to himself.

As the car came to a halt due to the traffic lights, Changbin glanced towards the girl sleeping soundly right next to him. He had covered her with his jacket, which she had snuggled into.

"Cute." Changbin chuckled, turning his focus back on the road. But realising what he had just said, he smacked his face.

The silent drive didn't feel as long as before to Changbin. He had even forgotten the reason he was with Soomin in the first place.

He was enjoying it, but of course he wasn't going to admit that anytime soon.

And before he realised, they had already reached their destination.

"Hey, Park Soomin." Changbin spoke up, gently nudging her shoulder. "Get up, we're here."

"Mmm..." Soomin groaned, shuffling a little before being motionless once again.

"Good god, woman. Just how deep is your sleep?" Changbin muttered, opening the door from her side as he picked her up. And to his surprise, she was lighter than he expected.

Soomin mumbled some incoherent sentences as she snuggled into his chest, which caught the big boi off guard.

"Gosh, this woman..." Changbin muttered, ignoring the heat crawling up his neck. "Ugh, why is it so hot today?"

With a lot of trouble, Changbin somehow managed to get Soomin inside.

His own house, of course. He didn't want to disturb her peaceful sleep, or atleast that's the excuse that he gave himself.

So, for a second time he carried the girl to his room and gently placed her on the bed. She stirred a little, but didn't wake up.

He watched her with a small smile as he stood leaning against the door frame, deciding to cook something nice for dinner.

Afterall, it wasn't everyday he got to cook for someone else besides himself.

He was just about to go to the kitchen and decide the menu when suddenly, the bell rang.

He didn't remember expecting any guests, but then again, he didn't trust his memory.

For some reason, the thought of it being his stalker didn't cross his mind that one time.

Maybe it was because he knew he wasn't alone, the presence of a certain sleeping someone being reassuring enough.


Soomin's eyes fluttered open as she ran her hands over her face. She realised that she was not in her room, but infact a familiar dark room. She was getting deja vu from the last time she was in there. Only this time, she wasn't alarmed.

A small smile made way to her face as she momentarily remembered the events of a few hours ago. The truth about Doyun broke her heart more than she could've anticipated, but the hurt of the truth was soon replaced by the memories of Changbin's gentleness in dealing with her.

Her eyes widened when she realised what she was thinking, but to her surprise, she wasn't as offended as she thought she would be.

Maybe she did underestimate his kindness, as Jieum had put.

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