Kiss, marry, kill

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Here I am with another random oneshot. I probably need professional help but for now I will just keep writing these random shits.

Anakin and Ahsoka were throwing a party, again. Cody wouldn't mind but his brothers just had to drag him with them. 'You need to socialize', said Rex. 'And you could finally find a girlfriend', said Bly. And when Cody expected Shaak-Ti to stand up for him, she sided with his vod'ike instead. Apparently, she also thought it won't hurt to enjoy a little fun. As if he found a partying fun.

That's how he found himself in the corner of Skywalker's living room, watching his brothers and their friends having fun. Bly disappeared somewhere with his girlfriend, Aayala, a while ago. Anakin was explaining something to Fives and Echo, probably something about ships or burning down the entire city given those were his hobbies, while Padmé was at his side waiting for him to finish talking. In Cody's opinion, the young, brilliant woman deserved someone better than Skywalker but who was he to judge. Then there was Rex, talking to his apparently not-so-secret girlfriend Ahsoka. Cody figured a long time ago but Rex was still convinced they were subtle and Cody let him believe it. He understood why he wanted to keep their relationship secret as he himself had a secret relationship too. But he was more subtle about it. No one could be as obvious as Rex.

"Hey, let's play kiss, marry, kill!" Anakin shouted out of nowhere.

"Good idea for once, Skyguy," Ahsoka agreed and Cody almost laughed at Rex's expression when she turned away from him.

"I will get Bly and Aayala," Fives volunteered. He found a disturbing amount of satisfaction in ruining his brothers' lives, romantic moments included.

"Cody, you have to join us for this one," Rex said.

"No thanks, I'm fine where I am."

"You are joining us. That was an order," Rex said. "Just this one. You never join the games."

"Maybe I don't want-"

"Bullshit, even you enjoy games so get your cold military ass over here."

"I don't even know how to play that game," Cody complained, trying to avoid the inevitable. "You will be better off without me."

"You are not avoiding this," Anakin said with a wide grin. Cody should have a serious talk with his brothers about picking their friends because that man just couldn't be normal. And his and Ahsoka's friendship with the Fett brothers complicated Cody's life even without games. But he knew how to pick fights. And this one, he couldn't win.

"Explain the rules to me," Cody resigned.

"So, we chose three people and you have to pick which one you kiss, which one you marry and which one you kill," Ahsoka explained

"That's a stupid game."

"It's fun, you will see," Anakin promised. "Actually, you can start. I will give you an easy one, tho. The people are your mom, my dad and... Ahsoka."

Easy my ass, Cody thought. He honestly didn't know what to say so he started with the predictable. "Kiss mom.", then hesitated. Obi-Wan wasn't going to be happy about what he was about to say but the confusion he will probably get to see on the other's faces would be worth it. "Kill Ahsoka, sorry, kid, nothing personal. And marry Obi-Wan."

Just as he predicted, the surprise and confusion on all his brothers' faces and even more Skywalker's face was worth it.

Hope you enjoyed it. My readers know I love comments and if you are new to my fanfics, you just learned so if you have anything to say, don't hesitate to comment.

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