Test of will

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About 2 weeks later Kota and eri were getting ready for their little raid and attempted to stop all for one. Kota made sure that eri had plenty of protection efforts in place for her...after all there wasn't any guarantee this would work...and he didn't wanna lose her. June was staying with family until this fight was over, she wasn't by any means a hero...so this stuff was solely up to Kota and eri. June was of course watching from the channel Kota and eri told her about, she looks worried and just blurts out "he's terrified...." June says seeing Kota and how he was holding onto eri. Both of them were terrified, especially knowing who they were going up against....Kota was terrified that this would be the last time her ever would get to see or hold eri. He wanted to desperately to just take her and run and make sure she was safe, but as long as all for one was a threat...she would never be truely safe. "If you need help just call out for me okay? I'll be right by you the whole time I promise" Kota says softly to eri and she nods taking a deep breath. "What if I'm not strong enough?..." She asks scared, "then you let me know and we'll get somewhere safe and then figure out where to go from there okay?" Kota says and just holds eri as long as he could before they got word to move. "I love you so much you know that right?" Kota whispers to eri and she nods holding onto the male, "I love you too Kota-kun" she says softly before they finally let go of each other and just took off running into the building. They actually caught the league by surprise so they quickly managed to deal with them. They didn't get much time to relax as soon enough the whole building was engulfed in blue flames. Eri yelps in pain she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and the propane tank that she accidentally found exploded right in her face. "ERI?!" Kota screams trying to run to her before getting hit by some falling debris which burnt him severely...but he didn't care. "We- ngh!" Kota groans as he looks down realizing his leg was caught under the debris and was defiantly broken. He growls and lifts the rubble best he could and then crawls over to eri who was struggling to heal herself and was panicking from the pain. "Shhh....focus okay?" He says as he pulls her close and uses his quirk to put out the flames. Eri hugs Kota and soon the pain of his leg went away, eri couldn't heal it all the way since she had to save energy...but she healed the bone leaving him with just slight burns. "You okay?" Kota says checking on eri and she had a really bad burn on half her body which she didn't have enough energy to heal it...of course that meant it would scar but she didn't care. Kota kisses her on the forehead and holds her hand for a bit before helping her up. "...let's get this over with okay?" He says just wanting to get eri out of here. Eri was scared but takes a deep breath and nods and Kota lifts her head up and she gives a soft smile. "It's gonna be okay....I'm not gonna let you die here" he reassures and nuzzles eri before they took off to find all for one.

Once they found him however, they were quickly ambushed. Kota tried to keep eri behind him but of course they were separated due to being out numbered. Eri got one moment to breathe when she looked up for a spit second to see a huge attack charge at her. All for one definitely took notice of her and had every intention to take her quirk...but he just wanted to toy with her. "ERI-" Kota screams before he got knocked out from toga hitting him as hard as she could on the head. Eri barely had time to recover as all for one tosses her through 3 buildings and eri's entire body felt like it was on fire...but she still used everything she had to get up and keep trying. All for one kept attacking her and she didn't have anytime to really counter attack. By the time she was basically dead he grabs her by her throat and starts to take her quirk, of course eri held onto him and in a desperate last attempt she actives her quirk and just kept trying to take all his quirks while making sure she kept her own. Eri was actually losing but she was desperate so she just takes a deep breath and for the first time since the hassaikai raid she used her quirk on full blast. *It's okay....just a little more....* Eri thinks, her entire body soon went cold and she felt nothing but agony. Her quirk was so much stronger than she remembered, she felt each on her cells rip apart and get put back together, her body felt so cold, she felt so dizzy....she felt like she was about to die.

Seconds felt like years to her, she just remembered begging for it to stop. It hurt...more than she could process. Never once had she even felt such pain in her life. She couldn't even hear all the people praying and cheering her on hoping for her victory. By the time the pain finally stopped she coughed up so much blood and then everything went black.


"....." Kota was sitting next to eri's hospital bed, his head down on the bed as he listens to the beep of the heart monitor and the sound of the oxygen machine as it made eri breath. "How long has it been now?..." June asks as she comes in with some food and Kota sighs, "...three months..." Kota stays in defeat, eri has been in a coma for 3 months. "....I mean....you saw what happened....she has a lot of power.... honestly it scared me when I saw that, I never knew her quirk could be so..." Kota holds eri's hand, "that wasn't technically her full power....she was still on her quirk represents...that was just what she could do with them" Kota says as he kisses eri's hand. He hasn't left her side unless absolute necessary, he's terrified that something bad will happen if he leaves and he won't be there for eri. A few hours later, Kota was actually just falling asleep when he felt eri move a little, he looks up at her and sees she awake. She was really groggy and just confused but she was awake, "eri!" Kota jolts up and hugs her as he starts crying, "thank God.... you're okay right?" Kota says worried and eri nods and tries to move but then a sharp jolt of pain shot through her and she groans in pure agony. "Woah...take it easy okay?.... you've been through a lot" Kota says and eri looks at him scared and continued. "We had a mission....you faced all for one and you beat him... unfortunately that took a toll on your body...if you want I can try massaging you to ease those muscles and see if that helps" Kota offers and eri nods too weak to speak, Kota carefully starts to massage eri's arm which clearly hurt but it seemed to help.

It took about a week for eri to feel somewhat better. Of course that was just her quirk and body trying to regulate with each other. "Here" Kota says handing eri some of her quirk represents, she had to take 2 in the morning and 2 at night now as her quirk was much stronger and so much more dangerous. Kota didn't care since he grew up around her and knew her quirk was something that she hated most. He barely just started to get her to warm up to her quirk after 12 years of effort...he wasn't gonna go back to square one, especially since this is one of many things that the hassaikai engraved so deep into her that it was so damn hard for him to even get this far. Eri starts coughing up some blood after taking her repentance and Kota seemed scared and rubs her back unsure of what to do. Eri suddenly felt so dizzy and she held onto Kota and he places a hand on her chest trying to keep her sitting up as he was so scared she'd choke on her own blood if she laid down. Sure enough eri ended up fainting and Kota just held her until she woke up and she was a little confused. "You okay?" Kota asks as he presses the call button. "I still feel really dizzy" eri admitted and Kota nods and has eri lay back as he uses the remote to raise the back a little bit so she could rest and wouldn't choke on blood if anything. "Hey, what's wrong Hun?" A nurse asks as she comes in to check on the call light, "um... she's coughing up blood and then just fainted and now she's saying she's feeling dizzy" Kota says and the nurse nods and checks eri's vitals and heartbeat. "Alright, so I think we should run a few tests to see what's happening okay Hun?" Eri nods weakly and the nurse nods and takes her leave, and Kota held eri's hand "you okay?" He asks as he reaches out and rubs eri's head and she looks at Kota, "I feel really weird and I hate it...." Eri admitted and he nodded and sighed, "I know, princess... Just bare with it a little longer everything will be okay" he says softly and just held eri's hand, especially when they came to draw some blood for testing and then went with her when they took her for X-rays and a brain scan. After all the tests Kota texted June to ask her to pick up some ice cream for them since eri really did earn some ice cream for being able to deal with all those tests. Eri was cuddling with a stuffed koala Kota got her a month ago as something to keep her company since he couldn't always stay by her, so he got her the stuffy...he didn't really anticipate for eri to grow attached to it and it just quickly became her comfortable stuffy and he was just going Along with it since eri seemed happy. He soon got a call from the commission, he turned on a movie for eri and steps out to answer. "Ello" he says, "hey....um so overhaul ended up escaping and the hassaikai is back" the commission starts and Kota just listens, "we were hoping that maybe eri can come with us and help us find their bases and everything....since she-" "hell no. I'm not even gonna tell her about anything you just told me" Kota says bluntly, "talk to mirio and Deku, they've delt with all this before. Good luck" he says hanging up and going back to eri. The girl was just watching the movie while holding the stuffy and Kota smiles as the sight just reminded him of when they were kids...the first time eri actually opened up to him.

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