New house

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A few months later they were actually moving into a new place. Eri was still a little spooked seeing as her and Kota lived in this house since they first started UA and even after they graduated. "You ready eri?" Kota asks as he entered what used to be eri's room, he noticed she turned into a little girl and was hugging her knees crying. It's been awhile since he's seen eri this upset and scared, "aw...eri..." Kota says kneeling next to eri, "I know it's scary...and that you don't wanna leave this place cuz of all the memories....but the new place is so much bigger and we can make new memories there..." He says and eri looks away. "'s never gonna be just us again....I just....I wanna go back to being just us...I'm so scared..." Eri says and Kota gives her a soft smile, "eri...just cuz imma be a father and have a girlfriend doesn't make me any less of your friend....I know change is scary...and obviously I can't spend all day with you anymore...but I'm always gonna be right here eri....father... boyfriend...friend.... brother....I don't care.... we'll always have each matter how our lives may's still's still's still us eri" Kota reassures and scoops eri up in the blanket that was in her room, it was the only thing left within the whole house, everything else was in the new place. "C'mon, let's tackle this new chapter of our lives together" he says wrapping eri in the blanket and picking her up, she was so tiny and so light which made it easier for Kota to do this. He actually drove to the new place with eri on his lap as they were just doing a final walkthrough to make sure they got everything. Once they got there eri curls up clearly scared and was just crying so Kota held her for awhile giving her a moment to get it out. He wasn't gonna force her to instantly accept this place as her home and he knew she would be homesick for awhile and he would just be there to help her slowly adjust to her new place.

Once Eri had a chance to cry it out Kota made sure she was alright before taking her inside. "See? This is our new place" Kota says, the place he got was so much bigger and had a lot more rooms and just seemed much nicer. "Wanna go explore?" Kota asks and eri hides her face in his shoulder and he rubs her back taking that as a no. "Okay, that's fine" he reassures eri, "here, let's go look at your new room yeah?" He says taking eri to her room and June was shocked when she saw Kota holding a child but didn't ask about it. "C'mon eri, take a look" he says softly rubbing eri's back. Eri was hesitant but looks, she definitely had a lot more space now, her room even had a little upstairs part, this peeked eri's curiosity and so she pushed away from Kota softly and he set her down. He smiles as he watched her look around, she would occasionally look back at Kota and he nods letting her know she was okay. She went upstairs slightly before hesitating and she looks at Kota he tried nodding but when she didn't move he thinks and tries following her which seemed to help so she went upstairs with Kota. "Woah..." Eri looks around, it was definitely a good space to just place a little office or studio area, "see? It's not so bad...wanna go see the rest of the house?" He asks and eri looks down and nods. He smiles helping her downstairs, once they left the room June saw eri and was shocked and eri hides behind Kota. "It's okay...c'mon let's keep looking around" he says offering to pick eri up and she backed away a little he nods and they kept looking around. They house actually had 5 rooms instead of just 2 and 3 bathrooms, they had a pool and hot tub, and since Kota actually bought this place he was having a bunch of security measures installed. Eri realized that when she opened a door and an alarm went off scaring the shit outta eri, "oh I see that some of the security systems are online" Kota says going over to the security pad and puts in the pin which shut off the alarm. " I just need the camera's and hook this thing to alert the police after awhile....oh I also hired 24/7 security guards" Kota tells eri. Eri was shocked just keeps looking around, "this place has so much more protection" Kota says really excited about that and eri gives him a soft smile. "Hey Kota-kun?" Eri says getting the males attention, "what happens now" eri asks and Kota kneels in front of eri holding her hands. "Now? We get to grow up together....and our group gets to grow" he says and eri looks down and nods, "it's scary..." "Growing up is always scary, but we'll get through it together. We always have and we always will" he reassures eri "I love you..." "I love you too Kota-kun" she says as the two just shared a hug for awhile before Kota had to go help June unpack, he lifts eri's face gently getting her to smile softly before he left her there in the empty hallway.

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