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A few weeks later, eri was actually found out to have an iron deficiency. Which would obviously cause fainting spells if she wasn't careful, this just made Kota slightly more over protective and he did his best to make sure everything was safe and wouldn't hurt eri should she faint and hit something. This took awhile and each time eri would usually hit something he didn't think of. "Eri?!" June screams in fear as eri just fainted again and Kota rushes out to see blood on the floor and a shattered glass next to eri. "I.....damnit" he sighs and picks eri up to set her on the couch, "didn't even think the fucking cups...." He groans, "hey it's okay....it's a process" June says trying to reassure Kota, "yeah...I just hate it" he admitted and sure enough eri woke up soon after and tried to sit down and Kota pushed her back down. "Nope, you're gonna lay down and get up slowly" Kota says eri huffs and lays there while Kota helps her slowly sit up. "There you go" he smiles and nuzzles eri trying to keep her spirits high and June takes a deep breath, "I hate this..." She says softly and Kota kisses eri's forehead. "We all do, but it can't be hel-" "I'm sorry....I'm causing you so much trouble again aren't I?..." Eri says and Kota was shocked and shook his head no and kisses her on the forehead again. "Princess.... you're not causing me or anyone want trouble okay? You can't help it....so don't feel guilty okay? We just need to figure this all out, but everything will be okay I promised" Kota reassures eri, June looks at eri as her heart broke. Eri was acting really timid and scared...like a beaten dog and she didn't know what to do, "eri....what's wrong Hun? You seem upset..." June says softly and eri seemed shocked and looks at Kota. "It's okay..." He nods trying to encourage eri to express herself, of course he's been working on that lately so there wasn't much progress with eri speaking her mind just yet.

"Um...I...um...." Eri looks at June and looks away. "Never mind I'm sorry...." She says and Kota sighs and nuzzles eri, "would you feel better talking about it if June steps out really quick?" Kota asks, "oh...she doesn't have to it's not that important..." "Oh Hun...it's okay, I'll go for a little walk okay babe?" June says kissing Kota before she grabs her phone and leaves and eri looks down feeling bad. "What going on in your adorable brain princess?" Kota asks and eri was hesitant and looks away, "I promise that no matter what you say I'll believe you and support you okay?" He reassures and eri looks down and mumbles something. "Mm... princess...you know I can't understand you when you mumble" he says and eri looks down, "I feel so overwhelmed....I didn't know June was moving in with us....I didn't know when the commission started opening churches in my name....I now have a new disability....and I just....I'm so scared and overwhelmed...." Eri admitted tearing up. "I just wanna go back to being kids when everything seemed a little easier....but I just....I don't wanna go back to that time...." Eri admitted and Kota nods listening and wipes away her tears when she starts crying. "I'm sorry...." Kota says and holds eri, "I shouldn't have just suddenly moved June in with us...and I'll talk to the commission about everything okay....and I know this is scary but everything will be just fine.... we'll be just fine" he reassures and rubs eri's back as she just broke down crying just needing to get it out of her system. Once Eri felt better Kota just spoke to her softly, "is there anything I can do to help make everything less stressful?" He asks, "i-i don't know...." Eri says her voice trembling as she was about to cry again. "That's okay princess, how about for now we just slow everything way down...yeah? I know it's a lot adjusting to living with someone else when it's been just us for awhile....but feel free to take your time okay?....if you need a moment you can stay in your room and if you want I can stay with you until everything seems a little less scary..." Kota says "but everytime I stay in my room to rest or get away from everything June freaks out and it makes me feel bad so I come out..." Eri admitted and Kota nods, "I'll talk to her about that okay? And I promise you're allowed to take as long as you need...and from now on I promise there will be no sudden changes" he says and eri takes a deep breath and nods. Taking a minute to calm down before just easing up and resting her head against Kota and just plays with his hand.

A few days later Kota and June were cuddling in there room and June seemed off. "Hey babe?....um....I'm pregnant" she says and Kota was shocked and just nods kissing June very happy and excited, but he literally just told eri a few days ago that there wouldn't be any sudden changes...but this was by far one of the biggest changes ever. "How far along are you?" Kota asks rubbing June's stomach smiling, "um...I'm not sure honestly....I have to get blood tested to figure that out" she admitted and Kota nods and kisses June. "I can take ya right now" he says and June nods in agreement, "...but what about eri?" She asks and Kota nuzzles June, "let me worry about her Kay?...I know she tends to be annoying and needy and that lately she's been getting on your nerves...so just leave it to me okay?" June sighs, "it's not that...it's just...sometimes she really childish and it does annoy me sometimes...but I know she means a lot to you so I try to be patient with her..." Kota nuzzles June, "we taught her to be childish....trust me she's more mature than she appears...and it's actually really depressing... anyways, let's get you to the hospital yea?" Kota says as he and June get up and Kota stretches, "it's late you think eri will be okay?" June asks and Kota nods, he and June then leave.

Eri was actually in her room watching some movies when she heard the two leave. "Hm?" She checks the time confused and texts Kota wondering where they were going, he just lied and said they were going to pick up some dinner and they'll be back soon. Eri of course just believed him without a second thought and went back to watching movies until she got a text from Luna asking eri to meet up with her really quick. Of course Luna was someone eri met when Kota wasn't around and they actually ended up talking and while Kota didn't know who she was just yet eri did have feelings for the girl so she of course agreed and just left without telling anyone where she was going...which of course was a big mistake...or a blessing.

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