Chapter Six: Mamas Boy

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NOTE: As of 10/3/24 this chapter has been edited to add more and/or change parts to fit with the current story or fix old spelling/grammar problems

⚠ Warning! This next chapter will handle topics such as;

Abuse, implies SA, Homophobia.
If you do not wish to read about this please skip the part of the chapter where I put the warning, there will  be a summary of those parts when they are done, thank you! ⚠

♥ And hey, those of you going through anything, you're a strong, wonderful, gorgeous person and I hope things get better for you ♥
If anyone ever needs to talk, I'm here, even if we've never talked I'll still help you the best I can.
Love y'all /p

Alastor really wasn't listening to... What was her name again? Ah, yes, Molly. He really didn't care what she had to say. She was talking about someone by the name of "Anthony" whoever that is.... However, heaven was interesting, it was very... Bright, and colorful, and Alastor found it funny that so many  Angels stared at him with disgust and fear. Well, they tried to hide it and be polite, but Alastor knew better. They were terrified. He could smell their fear. And he enjoyed it.
   Alastor continued to look around at all the angels and his surroundings, it was.... peaceful.... He'd never admit it but the quietness was rather nice. Alright... he might be enjoying himself here just a bit... Maybe heaven isn't so bad-

Alastor stopped as his eyes landed on the Angel. Molly didn't notice at first but when she did she turned around to look at him.
The Radio Demon didn't take his eyes of the Angel. No.... No, it can't be... He slowly walked over to her, taking time to look at her dark curls and brown skin, the soft smile she had on her oh so familiar face.

"M-. . . Mama. . .?"
The Angel turned to look at him, her eyebrows furrowed "Apologies.... What did you say?" Alastor took a shaky breath as his ears flattened back against his head "Ah... Nothing... it's just- You look familiar... Apologies..." he bowed slightly and the angel smiled at him "It's no problem dear..." she said softly... God, it took all of Alastors strength not to break down into tears "may I.... Ask your name, ma'am?" his voice was hoarse and his throat burned, but he had to know.

"Amiyah, and you are?"
Alastor gulped and his eyes widened.
Forgive me for all I have done mother... For all my sins.... For all my lies... Especially the lie I tell now to you...
Allan... My name is Allan, pleasure to meet you..."
Before Amiyah could say anymore Molly intervened. "Excuse me miss, but uhm, me and Allan here need to talk" Amiyah simply waves goodbye as molly dragged Alastor away by the arm. He didn't even fight back.
After they got a bit further away Molly finally spoke "You.... Wanna talk about what that was back there?" Alastor looks at the ground before pulling his arm away... she was right there... His mother was right fucking there.... Alastor felt the tears well up in his eyes.
". . ." Molly sighed.
"You called her "mama". . . I'm guessing that. . ." Molly didn't finish. She didn't need too. Alastor simply nodded, he feared that if he tried to speak he would cry. He didn't want to cry in front of Molly, or anyone for that matter, it made him feel like a pathetic little kid again. Molly gently grabbed Alastor's hands and led him to an empty bench to sit on away from most angels. Again, Alastor just let himself be pulled over there.
He slumped forward as he sat down on the bench, a few tears finally spilled down his face, Molly sat next to him and gently put her hand on his back.
"What was your life like?"
Alastor tensed
"w-.... What?" Alastor gave her a look, almost offended she'd ask such a question.
"You heard me.... What was your life like?"
Alastor sat up straight and wiped away his tears. "You don't want to know." Molly smiled softly at him "Yes... I do... What was Amiyah like?"
(Notice: This next part of the chapter contains abuse, skip if you are uncomfortable.)

1913, April eighteenth 6:04 PM

Alastor's breathing was heavy as he tried to stay as quiet as possible. He tucked his knees under his chin and hugged his legs to his chest hoping, praying, that his father wouldn't find him. He could hear his mothers screams... She was trying to protect him. He made a mistake.
His mother begged, her voice strained and panicked. Alastor's lower lip trembled and he pushed up his glasses to wipe away the tears forming in his eyes... his "father" had spent all day at work, coming home irritable, treating Alastor's mama badly. how could Alastor stand for that? For such disrespect, he couldn't... he wouldn't...

It made Alastor feel so many emotions. Anger. Pain. Sadness.... He wanted to protect his mama... But how could he? He was small, skinny, pathetic- Alastor was yanked out of his thoughts by the sound of a slap and a yelp. He flinched , his body tensing and his heart thundering in his ears as he heard the door open and the sounds of boots clacking against the floor. 
Alastor stayed silent as he listened to his mama's sobs from outside the room.
"Get out here."
The gravelly deep voice of his father demanded, southern accent thick. Alastor wasted no time, it was easier not to fight, he quickly crawled out from under the desk and stood up, tears still spilling out of his eyes. His father had a scowl on his pale, pointed face, like he was disgusted with his own son, his own flesh and blood.
"Come over here, boy."
Alastor obeyed.
"N-No... John.... P-please.... He didn't do anything... P-please..." Amiyah begged as she tried to crawl into the room, her face bruised and bloody.... Alastor couldn't stand this.
"Mama...." he breathed out, trying to move towards her.
Amiyah looked at her son and he smiled at her, "It's oka-" Amiyah stopped as Alastor was slapped across the face, a stinging feeling spreading across his cheek, he heard his mother yell something as he fell to the floor, his vision was blurry but he could see his mother being dragged away by his father who closed and locked the door just before he passed out.

(Notice: This next part has implied sexual abuse! If you do not wish to read please skip it, again, there will be a summary of these parts at the end!)

1913, April nineteenth 12:08 AM

Alastor groaned as he got up, his face still stung and he had a massive headache, there was probably a bruise there. When he sat up he noticed the sounds of his father screaming from the other room.
"You're still on about this, woman?! That boy doesn't know when to shut up, he needs to learn a lesson! I don't care if he's my son, I ain't gonna be kind to such a pathetic brat!" He roared, clearly pissed.
"Might as well just take you in that room and make you give me another son, somethings wrong with this one!"
"No!" Amiyah yelled, apparently John was acting on his words, "I ain't bringing another child into this world just for you to give up on 'em!"
Alastor felt his blood boil as the arguing continued, a ringing in his ear distracting him. He wanted that man dead. He wanted to see him suffer. he wanted him to be gutted out like a fish. And he wanted to be the one to do it.
The idea of killing his father was tantalizing, thoughts of stealing one of his hunting rifles and aiming it at his head, seeing his brains splattered across the walls, such thoughts kept Alastor from lashing out as much, helped him ignore the sounds of his mama fighting his father. Kept him sane.

(All abusive topics are officially over, but mentions of homophobia are about to come up, skip if uncomfy.) 
"It was like this most every day... My mama would do the best she could to raise me, but she couldn't take it every day..." Alastor mumbled as he finished telling his story to Molly who looked horrified yet sympathetic.
"Oh my... I'm so sorry" Alastor waved off her concern with a deranged sounding chuckle, his tears were gone at this point, the initial shock of seeing his mother wearing off.
"Ah, don't be... I got my revenge long ago.... And my mama is up here... So-"
    Alastor froze as Molly wrapped her arms around him. "I understand having a bad father... Mine wasn't great either... I grew up in the mafia, I never participated, but my brother's did... I remember watching my twin, Anthony, being yelled at.... All because he liked boys! I mean, I know he was never the favourite in the first place... But still... and when I tried to defend him my father... he-..." Molly sighed "He shot me..." Alastor was stunned, he wasn't expecting that... He chuckled softly and returned Molly's embrace "Ah, seems we both come from "broken homes" difference is I took a darker path" Molly smiled as she broke the hug "Why don't we just sit here and talk for a bit?" she suggested with a soft smile. Alastor nodded, that sounded nice...

"I must say, miss Molly, your appearance reminds me of an acquaintance of mine."
"Oh really? What's their name?"
"His name is Angel Dust."

(Summary underneath)

 NONE OF THIS CHAPTER WITH THE FLASHBACKS OR BACKSTORIES ARE CANON!! Anyway- I'm SO proud of this chapter but I don't like writing abuse much... Which is why the next chapter is gonna have a lot of fluff.

"WhY hAvEn'T aLaStOr AnD lUcIfEr TaLkEd MoRe ThAn OnCe YeT?" Because this story has more than just RadioApple and I need to show character development and not just dive into the ship or I will have a mental breakdown. Be patient, like, 2-3 more short chapters and they'll be talking with each other, okay?

Alastor and Molly were walking around when Alastor spotted an Angel that looked like it was his mother. Spoiler; it was. Molly saw Alastor have a breakdown while talking to his dear mother who didn't recognize him and asked him about her and his other family. So alastor told her of how horribly his father, John, treated his mother, Amiyah. Molly felt bad and told Alastor about how she grew up in the mafia with her brothers and how she was shot by her father for defending her twin brother, Anthony.

Mama's boy
Mama's boy

Mama's boy
Mama's boy

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