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The young agent took a deep breath, sunglasses pressed against her face as she walked into the Mid-Wilshire police station, the same station she had once called home, and showed them her badge. The officer at the front desk nodded to me as she passed him.

She walked through the station toward Sergeant Gray's office before doing business with the captain, hearing old colleagues' whispers, "Oh my god, is that O'Malley?" "I didn't think she would ever come back."

She smirked, knocking on the door to his office.

"Come in." He said, and she entered the room. As he looked up, his face lit up, and he let out a laugh, "Well, I'll be damned, Avielle O'Malley, or should I say, Agent O'Malley."

"That's Supervisory Special Agent O'Malley," she teased, taking off her sunglasses. "You, though, can just call me Avi."

He whistled lowly and stood up, "What brings you back to the city of angels?"

"Work, not play." She explained, "My team and I have been tracking down a dangerous mobster who we know is meeting with Arms Dealer Pedro Ramirez, two people high up on the FBI's most wanted list. I'll explain more during roll call, I wanted to say hi before meeting with your Captain."

He nodded, "Let me walk with you." he walked around his desk and began walking with the woman through the station, "You look great, O'Malley. The pantsuit works for you."

She laughed, "I've been told I don't look like an Agent, which only makes going undercover so much easier."

"Undercover work?"

"Sting Operations, mostly. They've worked out in my favor every time."

"So, I've heard," The voice of the captain Cortez met them at the top of the stairs near her office, "Who knew the bright-eyed rookie that waltzed her way into this very station all those years ago would be a highly respected federal agent." She smiled at Avielle, holding her hand out for the girl to shake.

Laughing, Avielle took the woman's hand and shook it, "It's always a pleasure, Captain."

"Your director filled me in, you can take the lead during roll call after Gray." Cortez explained as she led them back down the stairs. It made Avielle's grin widen.

"That is what I like to hear. Does this mean I am leading the operation?"

"You have the most knowledge, so it only makes sense."

The three walks into the conference room for roll call, making the cops and detectives who recognized her cheer and whistle as she entered the room. She just laughed and shook her head as she stood beside the captain. She stood tall and glanced around, not seeing the face she expected.

That was until she looked to her right and saw him, Tim Bradford, staring right back at her with a stoic expression. She turned her attention right back to Sergeant Gray as he stepped up to the podium.

"Quiet, Quiet, I know we are all very excited to see O'Malley, but something serious is afoot and I'd like you all to give her your undivided attention." He said and stepped down from the podium, nodding to Avielle who took his place.

"I see you have a few Rookies up front here," She states, looking at the table with a smirk, "You're probably confused, I was a cop here."

"A damn good Cop, at that." Lopez spoke from her seat, gaining Avielle's attention with a laugh.

"And now I am a damn good Agent with the FBI's Violent Crimes unit, and I am here for work and not play." She explained looked around at everyone, "For the last five months my team and I have been tracking Ricardo Romano, a mobster who is high up on the FBI's most wanted list for many reasons," She explained, holding a photo up of the man in question, "My sources here in LA have heard in the criminal world that he is meeting with Arms dealer Pedro Ramirez, another man on the FBI's most wanted list, tonight at a club Romano uses as a front for his criminal activity." She explained as the image of the club appears on the screen behind her.

"These two men are always seen with more men with big weapons, so I need help going undercover tonight." She watched as people nodded back at her.

"The plan is for me to go in with two other cops and observe them make the deal. I'll need some more cops to go into the club as well as surround the club when we make the bust. Cops inside and out." She turned to where her friend Angela Lopez sat, "You down for dressing up with me?"

Lopez nodded with a smile, "It's been too long."

"Way too long," She agreed with a laugh and looked back at the rookie table, her eyes landed on the girl in the middle, "Rookie number two, what's your name?"

"Officer Chen, ma'am." She said with confidence.

"You ever go undercover before?" She asked, watching Chen's eyes light up.

"Once, it was successful."

"Great, get a clubbing dress, you're with Lopez and I tonight." She said but was interrupted by Tim behind her.

"She's a Rookie, O'Malley, -"

She chuckled as Sergeant Gray spoke up, "Enough, Bradford, I think your Rookie is up for it."

Chen nodded and Avielle smiled, "Awesome. As for the rest of you, you will be given your assignments in groups put together by Captain Cortez." She stepped back from the podium and was replaced by the captain herself.

"I expect you all to put your A-Game forward on this." She started and Avielle gestured for Chen and Lopez to follow her out of the room.

Chen and Lopez got an "okay" nod from Cortez and the two followed her out.

"So, you're Bradford's latest victim, huh?" She turned to Chen who nodded.

"Did you have him as a TO?" She asked and Avielle shook her head.

"Nah, they were Rookies at the same time," Lopez explained for her, "The two made everything a competition."

"She made everything a competition." Bradford corrected as he jogged up next to them, "Are you sure you know what you're doing, O'Malley? Bringing a Rookie into such an intense operation..."

She paused, turning to him, "Four years didn't change you at all, huh Bradford?" She crossed her arms over her chest and clicked her tounge, "She has you as a TO, so unless you've been slacking, then I want her backing me up." 

He smirked, standing up straight and letting out a laugh, "Four years hasn't changed you, either." He looked over at Chen, "Are you sure you are up for this, Boot?"

"Yes, sir, I am." 

Chens' confidence made Avielle smile as she let out a scoff, her eyes not leaving Bradford,

"Sir? You make her call you sir?" She asked in disbelief, shaking her head before turning and walking off again.

"Come on Bradford, you're with us."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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