Chapter One: My Aching Soul

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Chérie's POV

"What are you looking at, Chér?"

"I'm actually watching Vox's news report. It looks like The Radio Demon is back, and Vox seems pretty pissed about it." I stood up and moved from my spot on the sofa, walking over to where Lucifer was standing at his workbench and showed him the video that was playing on my tablet.

"Oh, my!" Lucifer exclaimed. "There is always some kind of turmoil between Overlords. I wouldn't worry too much about it, dear."

"I won't," I responded. As much as I hated to admit it, he made a very good point. Vox has hated The Radio Demon for as long as I can remember, and no matter what anyone said, his mind never changed about him.

There have been countless nights where Vox would relentlessly vent to me about the demon in red; more than I can count on two hands. Many of which ended in alcohol induced fits of rage.

"Is everything alright?"

The king's voice caught my attention, and I shook my head. "What?"

"You drifted off for a moment. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, sorry..." I trailed off and turned away from Lucifer. Making my way back over to the sofa to sit down. "I was just thinking about what Vox might say later."

"When do you have to go back to the V-Tower?" He set his project down and walked towards where I sat, placing his hands on my shoulders and squeezing lightly.

"Um, probably soon."

"I see," he said half heartedly.

I sat back and looked up at him. The king was a lonely person, and I knew that, but I could not just stay here with him forever.

"I'll be back soon enough, though!" I reached up and patted the side of his cheek. "Now, wipe that face off your face and come help me gather my things." I jumped up and clapped my hands together, putting a smile on my face.

"Fine, fine!" he laughed. "Y'know, you could just leave your clothes and such here."

"Yeah, but then Vox will say, 'WhErE iS aLl Of YoUr StUfF?!' and then I'd have to listen to him lecture me for an hour about how I shouldn't leave my stuff with clients."

"Good point."

Lucifer and I went about picking up everything of mine that I had taken out of my bag. A few different pieces of clothing, shoes, makeup, and toiletries. I was definitely not ready to go back to the studio. I don't think I can deal with Vox's whining, and the thought of it made me want to scream. Who cares if The Radio Demon is back in town? It's not my problem, so why do I have to hear all of the drama about it?

"When do you think you will be back?" Lucifer questioned in a sugary tone

"Oh, I don't know...maybe in a week or two." I grabbed my bag off of the side table and threw it over my shoulder. "We'll have to see when I will be available."

"Oh, really?" He raised a brow, a smirk playing on his face.

"Well, yes."

"You are serious?" Lucifer looked me up down as if he was looking for any trace of a joke.

"Of course! I have a crazy week ahead, so I'm not sure when I'll be back here. Maybe I can talk the boys into rearranging my schedule so I can return sooner, but Vox is already extremely pissed off, so who knows how that'll go down." A small frown made its way onto my face whenever I looked at Lucifer. He does this every time I have to go, and it just breaks my heart every single time. Why does he have to be this way?

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