Chapter 4.22 - Control / Windvane 2

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"Drones have lost sight of Angel Eye. He backed away from the windows, likely using the sun's glare to hide himself."

Mod pressed forward through the alley, fusion rifle readied and pressed into his shoulder. Despite his practice with the prototype in the Gray Room, holding a rifle still didn't feel natural.

"Arsenal, do you see any of our missing targets?"

"Still no sign of Windvane or Shifter."

Mod peered across the street. The noon sun hung high overhead and the entire section of the city was still. Where the hell could they be hiding?

"I'm going to hug the wall and circle around—"

Dirt exploded in front of Mod's feet and he slipped quickly behind the corner again. A gunshot echoed from up the street.

"TINA, I'm guessing that was our man."


Mod groaned in frustration. "So much for the element of surprise."

"Just who did you think you were sneaking up on?" Someone asked from the street.

Mod stepped back and away from the wall so that he could see her, keeping his rifle ready. The new super wore a black and silver striped full-body suit that shifted and shimmered in the sun.

"You can relax," she said, stopping a few steps away from the corner. "We've got this corner of Belport under control."

Mod shifted uneasily. Maybe if he could keep them talking, then TINA could find the rest of their members.

"...You're not with the Summit."

The new super looked him up and down. "You don't exactly look the type either."

Mod took a step toward the corner, but she held up a glove finger. "You can stay right there. He didn't have to miss."

"I don't have to either."

The woman chuckled. "You really don't know what you've gotten yourself into."

Mod grit his teeth. "What do you want with the hostages, Windvane?" He didn't mean for her name to come out so harshly, but Windvane immediately stiffened.

Arsenal whispered, "You stay and chat. I'm gonna keep moving—"

Another gunshot rang out through the street.

"I'm good," Arsenal said. "I guess he can see me after all."

Windvane scoffed. "Like I said. We have this corner under control. Our control."

Mod glanced up at the sky to the circling drones. "If Angel Eye can see my friend on the roof then he can see our drones too. You're outgunned. Why don't you let the hostages go and we can all go our separate ways..."

Even though Windvane's mask covered her entire face, Mod felt her eyes narrowing at him.

"You have drones, sure, but you haven't called for backup yet. ...Well, sonofabitch. You did hack the cellphone network." Windvane tilted her head like she was talking through an earpiece. "Yeah, no shit. They probably know our identities too."

"Yeah. We do," Mod replied quickly. "Want me to out you right now, or are you going to let everybody go?"

"Fucking artificers... Which hostage are you here for?"

Mod swallowed dryly. "All of them."

"You're not a very good liar. It would be a shame if—"

"Don't." Mod raised his rifle.

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