A Dangerous Deal

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!! TW: strong violence !!

When Steven took over the body, the first thing he saw was her, passed out on the ground. He ran to her immediately and rolled her over, a gasp escaping his lips when he saw two red hand marks on her neck. She was still breathing though, thank the gods.

"Marc, what the bloody hell did you do?," Steven asked, his hands shaking as Marc took control. "Steven, why is my wife on the ground?"

"You know, I did warn her to stay away, but she just couldn't help herself. Like father, like daughter, i guess," Khonshu was quick to chime in.

Marc lost it."KHONSHU, WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE AND WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?!?" Khonshu simply stood there eerily, as if carefully debating what to say next.

"Perhaps instead of asking what, you should be asking who."

Marc let Steven take over, anger surging through him. He gently placed Layla down and made his way towards Khonshu, shaking his finger at him like a mad man. "Listen here, you piece of bird shit, we had a deal: i would complete the job, and you would set us, both of us, free."

"And I held up my end of the bargain and released you. but it seems like some of us weren't ready to leave just yet," replied Khonshu, gesturing towards the car.

As Steven looked, expecting to see Marc, he found himself looking in to the eyes of a complete stranger, wearing a business suit and news cap.

"Marc, there's a third one?", asked Steven, more confused if anything."Steven, I swear I have never seen this guy in my li-"

"Maybe ya have, maybe ya haven't. but regardless, you're welcome," the third alter was quick to add. At this point, Marc was out of shits to give. "For what exactly? actually you know what. never mind doesn't even matter. who even are you?" The third alter paused.

"The name's Jake. Jake Lockley.

I serve Khonshu. I'm his-"

"Fist of Vengeance, yeah yeah, we know," interrupted Steven, "but real talk though, why have we never seen you before?"

Jake looked over Steven's shoulder at Khonshu, as if waiting for his approval to continue. "My job is take control when you're in danger, sort of like your last resort." A million questions began flooding through Marc/Steven's mind.

"So, back in Cairo, when we were being cornered by those thugs..."

"That was me"

"The battle in Egypt?"

"De nada, señor"

"What about that girl at the gift shop? Don't tell me that was you too, mate"

Jake smirked and chuckled to himself.

"And... and what about..." Steven slowly turned back to Layla, still slumped over on the ground, as if taking a nap.

"Oh her? she seemed like a threat, so I went after her. I almost had her, and then... and then..." As Jake tried to remember what happened, Marc took control and started kicking the car door with rage.

"Lay one fucking finger on my wife ever again, and you're going to be sorry," said Marc through clenched teeth.

"I hate to interrupt, gentlemen, but I think i might have a proposal. One that just might work out for all three of you, maybe even her and the little one," Khonshu chimed in, gesturing towards Layla.

Marc stopped his kicking and turned to face the god. "If you think I'm going to allow you anywhere near my kid—"

"No no, quite the opposite actually. My proposal is this: you and Steven become my avatars again, along with Jake, of course, and no gods shall seek your offspring as an avatar until they are the age of 14. After that, they must decide for themselves. I personally will also provide them with some of the properties that I provide you with. But should you choose to decline my offer, I cannot help you, nor them."

Marc listened and thought carefully. "Steven, what do you think?"

"What other choice do we have, Marc? At least this way, they'll be safe", replied Steven.

"I must warn you, though, that there is no telling what the future will hold. Even in the eons that we gods have existed, no child has ever been born of two avatars. There is no guidebook for this, no advice I could offer. So it is entirely up to you."

"We'll do it", replied Marc as Steven nodded in the window. "We accept your offer. But any funny business, any at all, and-"

"Ok ok, got it," interrupted Khonshu, as hit the bottom of his scepter into the ground. Marc looked at the limo and saw Steven looking back at him with the same white glow in his eyes. He spread his arms out wide, as if an invisible string were pulling each one. "Then rise. Rise and live again. As my fist of vengeance. As my... Moon Knight!"

As Khonshu finished the chant, Marc looked down at his hands, now wrapped in the gloves of Khonshu's armor. "Come on, Steven. Let's go home now" Steven yawned. "Trust me, mate, you don't have to tell me twice."

Marc scooped up Layla and looked at her face, calm as if she was in the middle of a lovely dream. "I'm sorry, but maybe one day, you can forgive me", Marc whispered, talking to both Layla and the baby. He looked around one last time to find that Khonshu had vanished, and then he took off into the night.

(A/N: just a quick fyi, I do not know Spanish fluently and I would hate to the language injustice. Because of that, most of Jake's dialogue will be in English, just with a New York accent bc that's where he's from. But I will throw in a few spanish words here and there so that i'm not too far off from his character in the show. ty for understanding and i hope your enjoying the story so far.)

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