chapter 1: The big move 3, featuring dante from mystreet

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Dante was sobbing in his bed. His friends all left him behind to go on vacation at the best place on earth, and Laurence and the pillows weren't any help. He wasn't that close to Laurence despite having lived with him for a while, and Dante was far too distraught to realize that part of it was his fault.

He tried to be better, but he felt like none of it ever mattered, like everything he did just ended off with him being worse at the end of it. He held the Travis pillow to his chest, wishing to the goddess Irene for the chance to be a better person. Someone worth loving.

Dante fell asleep in his bed, exhausted by his overdramatic sobbing and self-pity. A warm ethereal light shined in his bedroom through his window as if to sooth his wayward soul.

In another world, another Dante sat outside, staring out at nothing. A hand placed on his shoulder was the only thing to snap him out of it. "Dante, please come in and eat. Natsuko helped bake your favorite cake."

Dante took a deep breath, his shoulders relaxing for a moment before he began to speak, "Sorry Nana, I just... I don't know. I can't pretend I'm fine. Not right now, you know what today is. I limited my patrol. There's no point. they're gone, and I just, I can't help but blame myself."

Nana leaned in and placed her hands on Dante's cheeks. "It's nobody's fault, dear. You can't blame yourself for everything. Lady Aphmau did what she thought was best. I'm sure she would be proud of how much of a strong and handsome guard you've become."

"Mmm, you're probably right, Nana."

"I always am, now come in before your food gets cold." She gives him a reassuring kiss on his forehead before they head inside.

Just outside in Nana's garden, a loud thump is heard before a high-pitched scream. Mystreet Dante had appeared in Phoenix drop, and his body had landed in her rose bushes. "Ow! What the heck?! Really, Laurence? This better not be a YouTube prank!"

He laid in pain for hours, and the blood loss from the scrapes made him start to feel woozy. A small, worn-out twin-tailed plush doll in a maid outfit and cat ears found him when she was tending to the garden. Dante had to squint just to see her.

"HATSUNE MIKU?! IS THAT YOU?" He then passed out cold.

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