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RUN BOY RUNchapter two

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chapter two

miwa ren arrives two days later than everyone else. it's nightfall when he finally makes it to the dorms lugging his luggage behind him. after giving him a room number and a key, takashima rei left him to survive finding his new home for the next year by himself.

ren drags his feet, hearing footsteps in the distance. he wonders who would be practising so late but as someone who only came to the school because of not want all the trips their scout took to be for nought, he couldn't exactly comment on the way his peers (who actually liked the sport) did their practice.

he found his room, unfortunately, on the second floor. the door was old and rusted sporting the number 207 in big bold letters, next to it read the names of the students inhabiting the room on wooden slaps and it was easy to tell the newest addition from the rest for barely any dirt had yet found itself on it.

ren knocked, looking down at the names, trying his best to memorise them since he would be living with them for the next year.

past the door, there was shuffling and footsteps, something clanking against something else and then— silence. a moment went by, then another before the door was slowly opened, it lets out a loud creak as it was.

a pair of brown eyes emerge from the darkness, blinking at the strange boy who had appeared just before midnight, who had a large and old duffle bag hoisted up on his shoulder. the owner of the eyes stares quietly as ren stands there, awkward.

the realisation of who he was seemed to pop up in the stranger's head as he opened the door the rest of the way. the boy who stood there had a shaved head and a shirt ten times too big for him.

"uh—" a pause. "miwa ren-kun?" asked the stranger after digging the name up from his memory. he reached out his hand for a shake and ren took it in response. "i'm kijima rei, second year." introduced the upperclassman, "we weren't expecting you so late."

"the train got delayed." ren muttered, pulling his hand back. the other boy's hand was drenched in an unusual amount of sweat, especially for spring, the time for the hot weather wouldn't be until a couple of months or so.

kijima ren didn't press on further. "come in." he said, stepping away from the doorway to let the new kid in. the dorm was surprisingly cleaner and neater than ren had expected from an environment of teenage boys.

there was one bunk and one twin bed which had been so neatly made one could think no one had been sleeping on them. kijima picked up ren's duffle back, grunting at the sudden heavy weight of it as he hauled it to the top bunk.

𝐑𝐔𝐍 𝐁𝐎𝐘 𝐑𝐔𝐍, 𝘥𝘯𝘢Where stories live. Discover now