3. Consequences (16+)

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**spice warning ig?**

oh and for those of you who were like wHy iS cOrmAc OuR fRiEnd in the Author's Note part- like babes i have an explanation, mkay? movie cormac does NOT deserve the hate. the worst he ever did was puke on snape's robes, which could arguably also be the best he ever did?? so like this is me tryna make it up to movie cormac after turning him into such an ass in my last fic, but uh...

things aren't really going according to plan :D he's an ass in this fic too, albeit nowhere near as evil as last time, plus he's got comic relief quality in this one so yay!!

also, note that the last chapter ended off with: "Er- No, I'm busy tomorrow. I'll- I'll let you know when I'm free." !!


Free turns out to be a whole week later, because I can't trust myself to think about him any sooner than that. But once enough time has passed, I find myself wondering why I even got so flustered in the first place. There's nothing between me and Riddle, and there never will be. That's the whole point of this arrangement between us, and even if I did somehow get stupid enough to have feelings for him, there's always safety in the knowledge that such hypothetical feelings would never be reciprocated on his front.

In conclusion, I'm being absolutely ridiculous. And I've just missed out on a whole week's worth of perfectly good sex. My roommates are right: I really need to stop overthinking everything.


"What do you mean, no?" I snap indignantly.

"If you're allowed to avoid me for a whole week, then I'm allowed to refuse you the pleasure of my company," Mattheo speaks with the air of someone who believes himself the most desirable person in the world.

"I wasn't avoiding you."

"Yes, you were."

"Fine, I was. Maybe I went on a few dates this past week and didn't want you around any potential boyfriends of mine."

"No, you didn't," Mattheo growls.

I was planning on dragging out that lie for the remainder of our conversation, but the unexpected glint of anger in Mattheo's eyes makes me rethink that decision. "What do you care, Riddle?" I sigh instead. "You know what? Fine. If you're not feeling up for it today, I'll just go find someone else to keep me happy for the night."

I've barely gotten two steps away from him when I feel his hand clamping down on my wrist. The next thing I know, I'm being dragged into the nearest unlocked door- That of a broom closet- And being pressed against the wall with both hands pinned at my sides.

"Who did you have in mind?" Mattheo asks casually, his completely innocent tone at deep odds with the near painful grip he has on my wrists. "Who's that someone else you were talking about just now?"

"What?" I splutter. "I don't know! Let go of me!"

He does let go of me, but the closet is so small that it makes no difference whatsoever.

"Names, Rosier. It's only a question."

"What is wrong with you?"

"Names, or I'll have you screaming my name loud enough for the whole school to know what you were in here doing and with whom. Don't think I won't do it."

I don't doubt that he would.

"You're impossible," I snap at him, and when Mattheo continues to do nothing but stare at me, "Fine! Anthony Goldstein, probably. I had a thing going on with Macmillan, too. And if not them, then maybe Potter."


"There was a kiss, back in fourth-year, to help him make Chang jealous."

Mattheo glares at me for the longest time. It's his usual hatred for me, mixed in with something else that I can't quite name.

Then suddenly, all while maintaining eye contact with me, he says, "Get on your knees."

My body freezes up on the spot. Half of me wants to slap him across the face, while the other half wants to do just that to myself, because there is no way I heard him right.

"On your knees, Rosier," Mattheo repeats. "Right now. You ignored me for a whole week. You've got to make it up to me somehow, don't you think?"

It's then that I realize that I don't know if she want to hex him or fuck him. Standing over me like this, with one arm bent beside my head, the dim light behind him casting shadows over his angled features... Dear Godric, my life would be so much easier if Riddle weren't so damnably attractive.

"Good girl," he murmurs, watching the way I sink to my knees. My cheeks flare up at the words, and his satisfied smirk tells me he noticed. Mattheo's hand comes up to the side of my face, as though to caress it... Only to swerve away at the last minute to grab a fistful of my hair. Forcing my head back as far as it can go, he smiles. Then his hand moves for the buckle of his belt.

"Feel free to bask in the knowledge that I'll be thoroughly enjoying every fucking second of this," Mattheo informs me, right before using a very blunt means of making sure I can't say anything back.

I hate him. I hate him so much. This is the most humiliating thing I've ever suffered through. To be on my knees for the likes of him, to be gagging and tearing up as Riddle fucks my mouth- To kneel there watching as he comes undone, knowing that it's me who's drawing those muffled groans from the rawest parts of him...

It's also the hottest thing I've ever lived through.

I reach down and up my skirt so that I might further desecrate the grounds of the broom cupboard, this veteran of all the unholy things that must have happened within its four walls over the decades.

Only to be stopped when Mattheo grabs my wrists, forcefully keeping me from dealing with the throbbing pulse between my legs.

"And let you defeat the whole damn point of this?" he says, in between moans. "I don't think so, princess."

He forces himself deeper into my mouth, until I'm gagging on his cock and tears are spilling from my eyes. With his free hand, Mattheo reaches for my face, wipes away said tears and informs me, "I've just discovered I adore seeing you cry."

By the time he's finished with me, about half a dozen different bruises have begun to form on my wrists. I struggled against his iron grip strongly enough to the point where his fingerprints have left deep purple marks on my skin.

"Let me know if you ever decide to go around ignoring me again," Mattheo heaves against the wall. "I'll make sure the consequences are even more interesting the next time around."

Battling the urge to decide to do just that just to see what he comes up with, I bite down on my tongue and watch Mattheo leave.

I'm going to have to murder him one of these days, I know it. It's just a matter of figuring out how to manage that before he pulls another stunt like this again.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐖𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐕𝐨𝐰𝐬 // enemies w/ benefits (M.T.R. x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now