5. Maim or Seriously Injure

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*gasps* a consecutive update? i haven't done one of those in MONTHS!!

have fun with this one my dear children, it'll be sure to crack you up (and even if it doesn't, pretend to laugh anyway, because the pain is coming at harry's expense)

i'm actually in love with harry though so y'all can go ahead and leave my husband alone (terrorize him. terrorize him to the ends of the earth. why? because it's fun.)

Now this is a ceiling I've laid eyes on one too many times in my life.

The first time I ended up in the Hospital Wing, I was trying to dig up Devil's Snare from the greenhouses Professor Sprout specifically forbade us from, because my eleven year-old mind was desperately curious to find out more about the deadly plants I'd only ever read about.

The next year saw me lying ill again, but this time for another reason entirely: A certain son of a Dark Lord decided it would be a fun idea to push me into the Black Lake. And of course, instead of using what precious seconds I had before my fall to try and secure my footing, I grappled for Mattheo's arm instead, and made sure to pull him in with me. Hearing his wheezy coughs the entire time we were stuck in the wing together was what got me through the whole recovery.

Now, I'm back again, but this time with no clue as to how I ended up here. I remember having been at Slughorn's Christmas party last, and the memories slowly start to catch up with me from there. Voices make their way into my mind as I lay still and unmoving, furious voices that seem to be caught up in the midst of an argument.

"What, so we're just meant to believe him because he's everyone's favorite fucking hero?"

"Harry would never do anything of the sort, you bloody wanker!"

"I know how to recognize the effects of a fucking Paralysis Potion when I see them-"

"Oh, we don't doubt you would."

"The fuck are you insinuating, Weasley?"

"You're all being ridiculous. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why-"

"Why what, Granger? Why Potter was found in an abandoned corridor with the unconscious body of a girl who'd been pumped full of drugs?"

I let out a pained groan. A rush of footsteps, then I'm being yanked upright by my arms.

"Look at me, Rosier," Riddle is saying. "What's the last thing you remember happening to you?"

"Nothing happened to her-"

"I will hex your tongue off, Weasley, then I'll feed it to my father's pet snake," Mattheo snaps at a red-haired boy that I recognize to be in our year. Then, turning back to me, "Answer me, Y/n. What happened last night?"

"I... I don't remember," I mumble truthfully. "Nothing after Potter and I parted ways."

Mattheo grabs my face, moves my head this way and that, as though checking for injuries. When he finds that the status of my health meets his expectations, he shoves me back onto my bed like I'm an afterthought, scowling all the while. Gryffindor's golden trio scrambles back as he then storms off, not bothering to spare any of them a second glance.

"Are you alright?" Potter shuffles forward on his feet. "You have to know that I didn't- What Riddle said- I brought you straight here as soon as you collapsed, and I know my word probably won't mean much to you, but-"

"I believe you," I say, half because I mean it and half because I need to shut him up. The sound of his constant rambling is echoing around in my skull, pounding against the inside of my head. "Mattheo's just being an idiot like he always is."

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐖𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐕𝐨𝐰𝐬 // enemies w/ benefits (M.T.R. x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now