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"Alright." I whisper.

I feel the familiar sensation of losing control over my body and becoming a spectator, trusting Es to guide me.

The first thing Es does is find the dagger I bought on this trip, just in case.

"There are traces of magic below us." Es comments, "so we're going to find a way to get down there."

Es wanders around the first floor, entering every room, walking around, and leaving.

They explain how there will likely be some way to the magic below us in this building. Once magic is used a little magic residue floats around like dust, and if it's hollow in a room, Es can feel it. They just can't figure out specifically what it's used for.

"It's all solid wall, no pathway for the magic to get through." Es mutters, getting frustrated at another failed room.

Suddenly, Es pauses, turning around in a slow circle.

"Something magical." Es hisses.

A transparent woman floats past the room we're searching. A ghost.

"A ghost, something's keeping her from dying." Es informs me. "But it's not related to the emeralds, it's got a different feel to it."

Around midnight, Es finishes the first floor. 

"Do you need sleep?" Es asks, usually, when I let them take over, we always sleep at midnight. 

"The second floor is a lot smaller than the first." I respond."If you're quick we can keep going."

Es smiles, and walks up the stairs. It's a lot easier to search the second floor as the rooms are smaller and don't need as much time to search.

The passageway we're looking for is in a small bedroom.

"This is the one." Es smirks. "Magic residue is drifting behind the wall."

"It's late."  I say. "We can explore tomorrow, I need sleep to function properly."

"Alright." Es sighs.

We makes our way back down to the main room, settling into the sleeping bag. Es makes sure not to wake the others up. I blink at the feeling of regaining control of my body. I open my phone, 2:00am.

I fall asleep very quickly.

Time Skip

"Have you guys seen Kim?" Lucinda asks, waking me up from my sleep.

"We just woke up..." Aaron says still half asleep.

" wasn't Kim with you?" Garroth mumbles sleepily.

I blink a few times before sitting up and yawning.

"Tired?" Es smirks.

"Oh shut up." I grumble.

"She WAS last night when we went to sleep. But when I woke up, she was gone." Lucinda says concerned.

"Huh? That doesn't sound like Kim...That doesn't sound like Kim at all!" Garroth panics, suddenly wide awake.

"We've got to find her!!" Garroth jumps up.

"Do you know if or anything?" Aaron asks.

"She might have wandered off somewhere." I suggest, this place is quite big.

"Maybe she just had to go to the bathroom?" Lucinda tries to reassure herself.

"Maybe that's it!" Garroth runs towards the bathroom.

"Kim! Oh, Kimmy Kim!" He yells.

"Aaron, Kiara, do you think that those wolves..." Lucinda whispers, she turn towards us.

"From yesterday? Aaron asks. "No...I'm positive that one of us would've heard something at least."

"I was awake quite a while last night, nothing happened." I tell Lucinda.

"Nothing was here." Es confirms.

"I just...would feel bad if something happened after telling Garroth and Kim that everything was safe..." Lucinda mutters.

"Don't worry Lucinda, it was the best thing you could have told them." I say, "otherwise they would have worried too much."

"I mean, it is possible Kim just wanted to explore." Aaron adds.

"Guys! She's not in the bathroom!" Garroth comes rushing back.

"Mmm...maybe she got lost coming back?" Lucinda tries, "This place is huge. There's plenty of halls to get lost down in."

"It's a straight line to the bathroom." I tell Es."Highly unlikely she got lost."

I don't say that out loud though, there's no reason to add to their worry. Especially Garroth's.

"Alright, alright, here's what we're gonna do..." Aaron speaks up.

We all turn to look at him.

"We'll just split up and check the garage, outside and the rest of the main hall. Once we've cleared those areas we can regroup." Aaron decides.

"I can stay here just in case Kim comes back." I say.

"Sounds like a plan." Lucinda sounds relieved.

"Let's go!" Garroth runs off.

The other two follow, I sit down on my sleeping bag, and keep a look out for Kim.

Time Skip

A few hours later, Lucinda and Aaron come running down the stairs, Zane bursts in through the front door.

"OUT OF MY WAY! I NEED THE RESTROOM! GET OUT OF MY WAY!! AAAAA!" Zane yells running into the lodge.

"Oh hey." I roll my eyes, amused.

Zane pays me no notice as he runs towards a random direction. It isn't to the bathroom.

"Wow, he isn't even going in the right direction." Es smirks.

Just then, Aaron, Aphmau, and Lucinda come back into the lodge again.

"Hey guys, how was your reunion?" I ask.

"Hi Kiara." Aphmau waves at me.

A scream cuts through our conversation.

We all turn to look at each other. "ZANE!!"

We run up the stairs, Lucinda getting there first and walking in.

"She's crazy! She tried to kiss me..." I hear Zane snap, as I walk into the room after Aaron and Aphmau.

"What?" Aaron asks, bewildered.

"Really Zane, you?" I asks sarcastically.

"I don't think that whatever tried to kiss Zane is Kim..." Es trails off.

"Shut up Kiara." Zane growls. "She was acting like a zombie and came at me! What the heck happened?!"

"I'm not sure..." Lucinda hesitates.

"This room looks like it's been lived in..." Aaron observes.

"Haven't you guys been here?!" Aphmau asks.

" haven't explored the house that much." Aaron says thoughtfully. "This place...someone's been here."

"This is near the room we found the ghost floating by." Es realises.

"Let's get Kim down to rest." Lucinda says responsibly.

"Yeah...she looks pale..." Aphmau notes.

"Wait! I still gotta use the bathroom! GAH!" Zane shouts.

"I'll show you where it is Zane." I run after him.

"You're going to bully him, aren't you." Es smirks.

"You bet I am." I laugh.

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