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"What in the world was that noise?" Zane shouts.

"He's too loud." Es whispers, even though no one can hear them.

"I think someone's inside the cabin! oh, maybe it's the group coming back." Garroth says, optimistic as ever.

"Guys, wolves have broken in." I walk back in, talking over their arguing.

"It must be that scary wolf girl i was telling you guys about!" Garroth whimpers.

Zane gasps, very dramatically "she was real?!"

"I thought she was just a story your boob mind made up!" Zane's voice gets louder as he gets more panicked.

I snap my fingers, Garroth and Zane's look my way. "We have bigger issues than your petty arguments."

"You show them." Es smirks, tired of their arguing.

"Well how about you suggest something to get us out of this mess-" Zane starts.

"That's what I was getting to." I cut him off. "Either one of us goes down, or all of us go down together."

"EITHER WAY WE'RE DOOMED!!!" Zane yells.

"Be quiet, wolves have sharp senses." I shush him.

"Zane, listen to me little brother!" 

"Calm down! You're with your big brother Garroth, okay. I won't let anything bad happen to you." Garroth tries to calm Zane down. It did not work.

"Now we're going to all go down and see what's going on. Worst case i'll distract them and you and Kiara break for the door. Okay? Okay! Lets go! Follow me!" Garroth opens the door and walks out, not realising we haven't followed.

"WE'RE STILL DOOMED!" Zane yells out the open door.

"Does your brother have a death wish." Es glares.

I grab him by his hoodie and drag him back inside. "Are you trying to attract more attention?!" I whisper. "Shouldn't we go help Garroth?"

"There is no way that plan is going to work. What plan of Garroths actually does work?! I'm not chancing it. I'M staying here." Zane crosses his arms and sits on the floor like a five year old child.

"I'll stay here, just in case." I carefully close the door, trying not to make any loud noises. 

"Anyway-" Zane doesn't even get more than a word out before the door slams open. 

A werewolf wearing grey clothing enters, their gait is full arrogance, like they know that they're the best. A hood covers their face, features unidentifiable.

I reach into my pocket, and pull out the dagger I had the foresight to carry today. Thank Irene.

"Get ready for a fight." Es says, sounding serious. This must be a threat then.

The werewolf lunges, and I move into a defensive position. They try to attack me, and I stab the dagger into their torso. The werewolf twists out of the way at the last second. The second time the they try to hit me, I manage to nick their shoulder.

However, having learnt their lesson, the werewolf darts around me and attacks Zane.

Zane screams as the werewolf knocks Zane out. The momentary shock of seeing Zane passed out is enough time for the werewolf hit the back of my head.

I pass out with Es's voice yelling in my brain.

Time Skip

Some time later, I wake up in a cage hanging above water. 

"Kiara, look around." Es instructs, I do, knowing Es has more experience with these kinds of things.

Es can only feel, see, hear, etc. what I can. Usually, I would let Es take over in these situations, but my eyes do change to emerald green. It's not the best idea when I don't know anything about these people.

I look around slowly, keeping track of everything I can see.

The walls are covered by this blue-green moss type thing, water trickles down from cracks in the ceiling, creating a pond below the cages. An additional two cages hang from the ceiling too. I spot Zane sitting in one of them.

"Zane." I shout.

"Kiara." Zane's voice is filled with relief. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, my head just hurts a bit." I sigh, "do you know where we are?"

"No." Zane responds, looking around.

I run my hands over the bars of the cage, seeing if there's any weak points or locks, there's none.

"Hello there Ro'meave twins." A familiar sneering voice sounds from below.

My head whips towards the source of that noise, the werewolf still hasn't taken off his mask, but I'd recognise that voice anywhere.

"Hello Ein." I give a mocking wave, "long time no see."

Ein gives a sharp smile, taking off the hood. "Kiara." He nods at me, "Zane." He looks over at Zane, "you're probably wondering why I bought you here."

"Yes, this is starting to sound like a cliche villain monologue." I laugh.

Zane sends me a quick warning look, I ignore him.

"SHUT UP!" Ein screams.

"Are you going to tell us what we're here for?" I ask politely.

"I'm here to get revenge on someone." Ein smirks, "and you two are going to help me."

"No we aren't." Me and Zane say at the exact same time.

"Oh yeah?" Ein says smugly. "Well you are now."

Quick as a flash, Ein throws an easy-to-shatter potion bottle at Zane. The bottle breaks at the first impact, showering Zane in glass and the potion. Zane stands motionless, the only change is his eyes turning to light emerald green.

"Forever potions." Es's eyes narrow. "I can stop the emerald from causing the potion to last forever, there will be a short time where you will feel its effects though."

"That's fine." I smile."We can find the others and warn them after."

Another bottle is thrown at me, I barely register the broken glass cutting me in some places, Es carefully separates the emerald from the potion, keeping it from causing the potion to last forever.

However, the potion still takes effect, I feel my consciousness fading to the back of my mind, much like how I feel when Es takes over. It doesn't feel as natural though, like being forcefully removed.

"I can change your eye colour." Es says, getting as close they can to controlling my body with the potion still working.

My body and Zane look towards Ein at the exact same time. "Hello brother."

"What does this potion do?" I ask Es.

"Something along the lines of controlling your body." Es mutters.

"Hello Kiara, hello Zane." He smiles, "are you ready to obey?"

"Of course, brother." My body and Zane give the same polite smiles.

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