Questioning time

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Some changes: I just changed the beginning so that they don't know about Es as an imaginary friend, it's just never bought up again and likely never will be.

My body walks back downstairs, and I'm met with the sight of Zane hugging and comforting Aphmau!?

"What is Zane doing?" I look at Es in bewilderment.

"It must be the potion's effects." Es frowns. "At least they'll definitely know something is up now."

"I don't know." I glare at my friends, though it's only mental and doesn't translate to my face. "They haven't noticed our weird eye colours yet."

Zane sneezes, and Aphmau immediately jerks away from him. "Ah, you're cold. Here, you can have your jacket back!"

It is really cold, I don't know how Zane was standing there in only a t-shirt. I've chosen to bundle up in three jackets, and extra warm pants. The only sensible thing my body's done this whole time.

My body sits down on the couch, carefully, as though I'm in some strangers home and trying not to mess up their furniture.

"How long until the potion wears off." I ask Es again.

"Probably tomorrow morning, just relax will you." Es snaps. "Just hold on will you, I'm trying to figure something out."

I fall silent, wondering why Es would be so stressed. They only snap at me when they're really frustrated or under pressure. The only time I've ever seen them like this was when there were traces and mentions of the Demon Warlock making an appearance.

Maybe Ein has something to do with the Demon Warlock. He was never that good at potions and witchcraft during high school. Is he in contact with him?

Es did say the emerald in the potions were unrefined, was Ein making potions using the Demon Warlock's instructions?

Probably, either way, this can't be anything good.

"Where on Earth were you Kiara, Zane. We were worried sick about you two." Garroth exclaims.

"We were out looking around." Zane says, still holding onto Aphmau.

"Looking around??" Garroth repeats. "Zane, there were signs of a struggle! I heard you scream and..."

He looks over to Aphmau, who is still hugging Zane with no complaint.

"Aphmau!" Garroth yells. "Could you stop hugging Zane for one minute and start asking questions?" 

 "But he's back safe, and that's all that matters." Aphmau holds Zane even tighter.

Wow, I feel so appreciated right now.

Also never thought I'd see the day when Garroth has more sense than Aphmau.

"Aphmau..." Lucinda walks over, Kim following closely, "I understand you're happy that Zane is back, as well as Kiara, but I think you need to take a step back and look into what Garroth is saying."

"Haven't you realized you've been hugging Zane for a long time? Longer than usual?" Lucinda prompts.

Aphmau giggles, before stopping abruptly. "Huh? N-now that you mention it... you're right. Zane... what exactly happened to you and Kiara."

"What do you mean." Zane says.

"I mean... you guys were missing. For longer than you would be without contacting me." Aphmau gives us a weird look.

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