2. First Day

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I slam my hand on my phone, turning the alarm off. I sit up, anxious my new roommate, Fred, will wake up annoyed.

Looking to the right of our room, I see him passed out, arm laid across his head. He's so tall his feet dangle off the side of his bed.

He doesn't stir, which makes me feel better. Slowly, I get up, feeling energized and excited. Today's my first day of classes, and I couldn't be more excited.

I have a 9 am, so I have to get ready in an hour. I grab my shower caddy, slipping into my shower shoes before heading out into the hall.

I take a refreshing shower, change into my clothes for the day, and return to my dorm. By the time I'm done and ready to leave, Fred's still out cold.

I hurry out of my dorm and walk outside to my first class of the day, criminological theory.

As a criminal justice major, I'm so excited about all of the classes I get to take. My goal is to become a lead detective and investigator, and take down any crimes that come my way!

I feel myself start to get worked up, my excitement over my future career propelling me forward.

I pull up my phone, checking the maps to see where my building is. I didn't realize so many buildings on campus could be spread so far apart.

Eventually, I locate the building, walking around aimlessly until I find the lecture hall my class is in. The lecture hall is buzzing with kids, TAs, and professors laughing among themselves at the bottom of the room.

I panic slightly as I realize I don't know anyone yet. Fred's a super cool dude, so I can safely say we're friends, but he doesn't have this class, so I can't sit with him.

I descend the stairs quickly, choosing to sit closer to the front of the room on the left side of the seats. I pick an end set, regretting the choice immediately as each person that walks up to sit in my row forces me to shift awkwardly to let them in.

A pretty girl takes the next and last seat beside me as a few more students file in before the class begins. I sit excitedly, wondering what the class will be like, how fun the teacher could be, and how hard the work is.

The girl next to me smiles my way, looking as excited and nervous as I feel. I decide to be brave and speak up first.

Kid Ritz: "Hey, how's your first day been?"

Orchid: "Hi! It's been good; I woke up, so that's a plus."

I laugh, enjoying her humor.

Kid Ritz: "That's good to hear. You a criminal justice major, too?"

Girl: "No, forensics. But we have to take this class, so I'm sure we'll see each other around."

Kid Ritz: "That's true. I'm Kid Ritz, by the way. Sorry, I didn't say it earlier."

Girl: "Don't be sorry! I'm Orchid; it's really cool to meet you."

We smile at each other as the professor taps on her mic. She talks for about ten minutes, reviewing our syllabus's basics.

Professor: "Ok guys, have a good first day!"

The room shuffles excitedly, students leaving the lecture hall with new aquaintances.

Orchid: "That's it? Wow!"

Kid Ritz: "I know, that's kind of nice we don't have to do much. I guess it is syllabus day."

Orchid: "True, true. When's your next class?"

I pull up my schedule on my phone, showing it to Orchid. I scheduled five classes for Mondays and Wednesdays, two for Tuesdays and Thursdays, and one for Fridays.

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