oranges and pears friendship anniversary

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as orange woke up to see what time it was today was the day it was his friendship anniversary with pear
orange: woo ho today is the day that I get to have some fun with my best friend pear
pear walked into oranges room all excited
pear: hey dude what are you all excited about
orange: today is a special day for us
pear: oh that yeah it's our anniversary of being best friends
orange: yeah I couldn't bear it haha
pear: groans ok now let's get going our friends are probably waiting for us
orange: ok pear now let's get this show on the road haha
they left the cabinet to get on the kitchen table
sonic: hey orange and pear I heard today is your anniversary of being friends
orange: aww sonic I knew you wouldn't forget
Amy rose: I've bought the party decorations
grapefruit: oh hey orange I heard today is you and pears friendship anniversary
orange: yeah it is
marshmallow: yay we gonna have a lots of fun today
Passion fruit: hey orange I know today is your special day with pear
orange: oh I-I-I
tails: dude are you ok ?
orange: I'm—I'm fine ok
sis: hello orange I came here for party
orange: awww thank you sis
as soon a yellow apple named Corey riding a motorcycle
Corey: look out look out ahhhhhhhh
he goes flying towards the house where the door was opened and falls on the kitchen floor where orange and pear were at
Corey: sorry I just came here to join the party here so I couldn't miss out the fun
orange: well nice to for you join the party
pear: hey orange I got you a gift just for you
orange: oh really nice of you to do that
he opens the gift to see a kazoo
orange: whoa a new kazoo ! thank you pear
pear: you welcome
he starts playing his kazoo
orange: now let's get the party
shadow Amy and cream starting decorating the house with party stuff and rouge was getting started to make the cake
rouge: the first thing that we need to do is to get two eggs-
as pickypiggy got a flying pan trying to hit rouge with it
rouge: do not !
as everything was done everybody starting having fun and partying together with games and fun activities
orange: don't stop the party woo ho !
Corey: oh yeah I agree with orange
marshmallow: yay I don't want this party to end
numbuh1: I mean I kinda want this party to not end
numbuh3: that's what I'm talking about
outside of the house two people were standing outside
Mr.wink: should we attack now mr.fibb ?
Mr.fibb: not yet mr.wink we should do it when the time comes
Mr.wink: you're right mr.fibb besides father and mr.boss order us to attack the kids Nextdoor
the two watched from the distance while they were partying
numbuh5: yo check this out
she started dancing petty cool and everyone was impressed with her dance moves and skills and everyone danced along

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