the encounter with knightbrace

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sonic: ok everyone now come on the boat
me: were gonna stop them for good !
they were about to get on the boat they heard a strange laugh coming
pear: orange ? Did you make that laugh ?
orange: yo what'chu talkin bout ! I didn't do it
pear: oh ok
but knightbrace jumps right in front of them
numbuh4: oh uh...
knightbrace: I've finally found you sector v
catnap: so he knows them !?
Craftycorn: holy crafting !
they got on the boat to hide
numbuh1: alright get ready
numbuh5: 5
numbuh4: 4
numbuh3: 3
Numbuh2: 2
numbuh1: 1 kids next door battle stations !
they got inside of a giant robot that was 8 feet tall
grandpa lemon: whoa now that's something you see everyday-falls asleep
bubba bubbaphant: so they built that they are geniuses !
knightbrace pulls out his toothbrush and tries to hits sector while in the robot but they dodge every attack
knightbrace: why won't you kids hold still !?
orange: whoa now he's about to rage quit any moment now haha
pear: laughs a little bit ok that was a good one
knightbrace: grrrrr I give up !
orange: he already rage quit hahahaha
me: finally that's over with it
numbuh2: now we could leave now
knightbrace: hahahaha you thought that I quit huh !?
pear: oh my gosh...
numbuh2: nope we going the heck out of here
he stars driving the boat fast as possible as a rope was stuck on knightbrace made him flew and fell in the water
knightbrace: Mr.boss is gonna be disappointed of me now....
dogday: that was crazy there...
pickypiggy: I agree with you dogday
me: last stop to stop father from taking over the world !
Orange: heck yeah we gonna put a end to this
marshmallow: yay
numbuh2: wait guys we are losing control of the boat hold on to your socks !
the boat was losing due to the high waves
pear: this is not good !
a big wave heading towards them
orange: guys tell passion that I lo-
the big waves hits them later they woke up on a island not just any ordinary island they were on sectors j treehouse
orange: ohhhhh where are we ?
numbuh10: hey are you ok ?
orange: yeah I'm sure I am who are you
numbuh10: I am numbuh 10 welcome to this island
numbuh1: ohhh is everyone ok and- numbuh 10 is that you ?
numbuh10: Nigel I didn't know you were here
orange: so are you guys cousins
numbuh1: of course we are
pear: whoa this island is beautiful
passionfruit: it does look beautiful
me: sooo what happened to my boat
numbuh10: after you guys came crashing here we took the boat to repair it and fixing it
me: oh ok

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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