The Future Bonnie and Clyde

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//i put on the crown of clowns//


I folded my hands neatly in my lap as the concerned Mr. Biggs, as so stated on his nametag, surveyed us like we were a few people fresh out of the carnival. I didn't blame him.

Five, dishevelled but managing to keep it together, had a tight expression like he might burst into anger or pop one of those highly frightening smiles at any moment. Klaus looked as if he'd walked the runway for Louis Vuitton and then raided a thrift store seconds later. Worst of all, he'd managed to sic the eyeliner on me, so I now looked like a goth girl from the early 2000's. Either way, we were getting nowhere.

"Like I said to your son earlier, any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential. Without the client's consent, I simply can't help yo–"

Five gritted his teeth. "Well, we can't get consent if you don't give us a name."

I stood up, my hand gravitating to where one of the Cards still remained in my back pocket, but Five lifted his hand to my hip, pulling me back down.

"It's not my problem, sorry," Biggs shrugged with a half apologetic look on his face. "There's really nothing I can do."

Klaus sniffed.

"What about my consent? "

"Excuse me?"

"Who gave you permission?" he whined. "–to lay your hands on my son, and his girlfriend."

"I'm not his–"

"Shut up, Y/N." Klaus hushed.

"What?" Biggs blinked.

"You heard me."

"I didn't touch your son –"

"Oh really, then how did he get that swollen lip, then?"

"He doesn't have a swollen –"

Klaus whipped Five across the face with his fist. Five groaned sharply, bringing a hand to his face. He winced, drawing his fingers away bloody.

"Good God, Klaus–" For once, Five didn't smack my hands away as I touched his chin gently, lifting it so that I could see the source of the blood. A bruise was blooming on his lower lip and it was indeed swollen. "Did you have to hit him that hard?"

"It's fine," Five murmured, his eyes meeting mine for a split second before he then removed my hands from his head.

"Don't worry about his pretty little face," Klaus said.

"Oh, I do–"

"Worry about yours," Klaus swung, though I'll give him credit for hitting me lighter than he hit Five. He spared me the full force of a blow and just slapped me in a way that left a slight burning sensation in my cheek.

"Shit," I spat blood on the ground. "My tooth, Klaus –" it had cut into the inside of my mouth, leaving a metallic taste.

Five showed little concern, but he did graze his hand lightly over the small of my back. So quickly and so softly that I wasn't entirely certain it wasn't an accident.

"Name please, now," Five demanded, stepping forward. He wiped his face with the sleeve of his jacket.

"You're crazy."

Biggs eyes were wide as saucers.

Klaus laughed. "You have no idea." Then, picking up the snow globe he ogled it, "Peace on Earth, that's so sweet." He promptly smashed it over his head. "GOD THAT HURT! AHH!"

"I'm calling securi–"

"There's been an assault in Mr. Biggs' office! We need security now – schnell!"

Klaus chucked the phone down. "Now, here's what's going to happen, Grant."

"It's Lance..."

"In about 60 seconds, two security guards are going to burst through that door, and they're gonna see a whole lot of blood, and they're going to wonder 'what the hell happened?' And we're going to tell them that you – BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF US!" Klaus sobbed dramatically, sighed and crossed his arms.

Five smiled proudly.

"And if you don't do as we say, I'll personally make sure that you never see the light of day again, from behind bars, Lance Biggs," I tilted my head forward. "If you'd listened to that sweet young man when he first stepped foot into this fucking building, you'd be having a lot easier time."

Lance gulped.

"You're gonna do great in prison, Grant," Klaus cheered. "Trust me, I've been there. A little piece of chicken like you. Oh my god, you're just gonna get passed around like a – you're just – you're going to do great, is all I'm saying."

"Jesus, you're a real sick bastard," Lance eyed Klaus.

"Thank you," he spat glass. It clinked on the ground.

"I don't even know where you found these kids, but they're going to be a real sick couple out there when they grow up," Lance said. Regardless of if he was joking or not, the words stuck with me.

"Oh yeah, they're the future Bonnie and Clyde," Klaus mumbled.

Would we have been? If everything had worked out for us – if everything was going to work out for us, what would Five and I be doing right now?

I was still being hunted by the Institution. The end of the world was haunting Five like the plague. There was no chance, even in normal circumstances.

Five avoided eye contact, his expression unusually solemn. Despite getting the information he wanted, he still looked dejected.

Like he'd just lost a sick dog.

Or something much more important. 

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