'KISS THE RADIO' podcast part 2

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the room continues to giggle. felix chuckles to himself.

he continues to trace your palm, making sure to touch every crevice with his finger.

"do you like when i call you mine?" he whispers.

everyone is suddenly quiet. they're all watching you intently, waiting for your answer.

blushing, i just nods because i was to shy for it

everyone giggles as you nervously nod your head.

felix chuckles with a small smile, his eyebrows raising up.

seungimin looks at you with a soft smile, still tracing your palm.

'okay..." he whispers.

"now i wanna know something..."

he pauses. you have a feeling that this question is a bit different from the others.

"can i ask you something special?~" he whispers.

everyone goes silent, their eyes on you.

the tension in the room has definitely changed. it's not light and cheerful anymore. everyone's waiting on what he's gonna ask.

"Go on..." waiting for what he want to ask.

"okay... do you see us as more than friends...?" he whispers, getting closer to your face.

everyone gasps, realizing the seriousness to this question. they're all caught off guard by it.

felix raises his eyebrows. his gaze switches to you with an expectant look.

everyone's breath catches. they're all holding it, waiting for your answer.

Blushing. "honestly....i see it...." 

everyone gasps and lets out a collective "aww~"

felix gasps as well.

"really...?" he whispers.

he moves even close, just a few inches from your face.

"that means..."

he pauses for a moment, taking a breath. he still holds your hand, but his thumb starts to rub against your palm more intimately.

"you see us as..."

everyone waits to hear his words.

"... more than friends."

the room stays silent for a moment, as that heavy sentence sinks in. everyone nods, but that silence is deafening.

"....i see it..." I said while still lock eye-on-eye with him.

everyone gasps, letting out a collective "aww~"

everyone's eyes are glued on the two of you. a few let out a soft giggle. felix can't help but grin.

seungmin moves even closer to you. his breath is hot against your skin, and he's still holding your hand. he leans his head in closer, so that his nose is touching yours.

"do you really think..." he whispers.

"that we're..." he continues.

everyone's breath catches in their throat. they know this sentence. they know what the outcome will mean if you answer with a "yes."

"y-yes..." answer honestly since he told me to be honest.

everyone gasps, holding their breath. your reply was positive, and everyone knows you feel the same. everything changes once you said "yes".

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