Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Castiel was thankful that this was his last class of the day and that he had it with Meg. “Man I hate science” Meg murmured then laid her head down on the desk. Castiel just smiled at Meg “Well at least it’s almost over” Castiel whispered to her. “Yeah but the minutes keep dragging on” Meg raised her head from the desk and looked at Castiel then they both turned their attention back to their teacher and then the bell rang. “Yes were finally out of here!”Meg said then she and Castiel started walking out of their class and into the hallway.

 Then Castiel noticed his sister Anna walking her way over to him and then someone bumped into her Anna just ignored them and then said” Hey Castiel how did your day go?” “It went okay” Anna then looked from Castiel to Meg “Oh I see you made a friend” “Oh yes I did Anna this is Meg” Anna and Meg shook hands and then Meg said “So I better get going Ruby’s waiting for me outside it was nice meeting you Anna” “It was nice to meet you too” Castiel was disappointed that she had to go “Okay see you tomorrow” Castiel said then they both waved goodbye and Castiel watched her walk out the door.”Well she was nice” Anna mentioned. “Yeah she is” Castiel smiled then turned to look at Anna who was smiling back at him.

Castiel was relieved to finally be home Balthazar and Gabriel were fighting about whose date for the weekend was the cutest. “whatever dude we all know I get the hot girls and you get the average ones” Balthazar said momentarily taking his eyes off the road which caused Gabriel to laugh “Keep your eyes on the road pal I’d like to live past 18” Balthazar just rolled his eyes and shook his head.

Castiel was nervous to ask Gabriel for help but he had no other choice since he had never done this before. Castiel walked to Gabriel bedroom and knocked on the door “Come in” Gabriel said then Castiel opened the door to see Gabriel sitting at his desk reading a comic book.”Oh hey Castiel what do you want?” Castiel then cleared his throat then said “Gabriel I need your help” “Okay sure what do you need help with?” “Well you remember Meg right” Gabriel thought for a while then said “Oh yeah that girl you was with” “Right well I need advice on how to ask her out on a date” Gabriel got up from his bed “I knew it! okay you better listen carefully first you make sure that there’s a lot of people around then you grab her hand get down on one knee then say ‘Meg would you do me the honor of letting me be your date this Saturday?’ and make sure you say it as loud as you can” Gabriel then sat back down and Castiel looked confused “Why do I have to do it in front of a lot of people and say it as loud as I can?” “Just trust me on this alright?” “Alright” Castiel said reluctantly then turned to walk out the door “Good luck!” Gabriel called from his room.

Castiel wasn’t sure if he would be able to do this but he came as far as to ask Gabriel and he knew if he backed out Gabriel wouldn’t let him live it down. While sitting down at the table in the lunch room Castiel hope nobody would notice he was nervous but Sam did. “Are you okay man?” “Yeah I’m just nervous” Castiel said while searching for Meg then he saw her walk towards the table and when she was just about to sit down next to him he turned to look at Meg and grabbed her hand then he got down on one knee “Cas what are you doing?”.

 Castiel just ignored her and cleared his throat and said loudly” Meg would you do me the honor of letting me be your date Saturday night?” Meg just blushed and then she shook her head yes then Castiel got up and looked at the table and Jo was smiling  and mouthed ‘oh my god!’ while Dean was trying not to laugh while Sam just smiled then he turned to look at Gabriel and Balthazar cheering then everyone  else decided to cheer too then Gabriel started chanting “Kiss her kiss her kiss her” while everyone joined in Castiel could feel his heart beating against his chest and he looked at Meg who was also nervous then before he knew it Meg grabbed him by his trench coat and kissed him Castiel was tense at first since he was taken by surprise and then he relaxed and kissed back then he gently put his hand on the back of her head and everyone cheered loudly.

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