Chapter 5

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“Do we really have to tell Crowley I’m nervous” Brady said

“Yeah if we don’t and he finds out it’ll be our heads” Alastair said while they were walking up to Crowley who was sitting on the steps of his front porch.

 “Well hello boys” Crowley said while standing up “Hello” Brady and Alastair said in unison. “So what’s this news you have to tell me about?” Crowley asked and both Brady and Alastair were visibly nervous and deciding who should deliver the news. Alastair cleared his throat and said” Well I’m afraid its bad news seems like Meg has found herself a boyfriend” Crowley then balled up his hands into fists with a scowl on his face. “You better not be lying to me” Crowley said.”Um no sir we wouldn’t do that” Brady said. “Very well seems like I will have to take care of this problem with your help of course” “Yes of course we will help” Brady replied.

“Good tell the others for me” Crowley said “Yes sir” Alastair said.

To tell you the truth both Brady and Alastair were both kind of scared of Crowley because they knew what he was capable of.“What do you think he’s going to do?” Brady asked “To be honest I have no clue” Alastair replied.

Castiel woke early that morning thankful it was the weekend. Last night seemed like a dream to him and he smiled fondly at the memory.  Castiel hadn’t actually got of bed yet but then he felt a body slam up against him

“Good morning! I need the details of last night” Balthazar said “Well we didn’t have sex in the back seat if that’s what you’re concerned about” Castiel replied

“Well that’s not why I was asking but good to know” Balthazar said “Well we had a fun time at the park and we kissed” Balthazar smiled “Oh that’s great! Just try not to run her off by your weirdness” Balthazar joked

Castiel didn’t find it funny and just gave him a look of annoyance

 “Wow touchy” Balthazar responded and shook his head. Castiel just laughed at how crazy his brother could be sometimes but in a good way.

Meg was laying in her bed staring a t the ceiling thinking about everything that has happened recently. A wave of anxiety had hit her hard she felt her heart pounding against her chest and her whole body felt tingly. Most of all she felt like relapsing when she was with Crowley she got addicted to alcohol. That scared her whole lot she wanted to escape but then again she remembered how bad it had got. She was basically a zombie just waiting for her next fix. Meg felt there was only one solution to this problem. She got off her bed and started climbing out the window since her house was only two stories she didn’t have to jump down too far. When she landed she felt pain but as soon as she started walking it went away.

Meg’s head was swimming with thoughts. Would Crowley find out about Castiel and if so what would he do. Would he hurt her or would he go after Castiel. She couldn’t let him get hurt over her she felt that she wasn’t worth it. When Meg finally arrived to Jo’s house she ran up to the door and knocked. Jo’s mom Ellen answered the door.

“Oh Meg it’s nice to see you” Ellen said. “It’s nice to see you too I was wondering if I could talk to Jo” Meg said. “Oh okay come in she’s in her room” “Thank you”

Meg entered the house and went up the stairs and found Jo’s room. She looked in and saw Jo sitting at her desk reading her room. “Hey slut I’m in serious need for a girls night” Meg said.

Jo turned around and saw Meg standing in her doorway “Well what are you waiting for come on in’ Jo said excitedly. Meg smiled and sat down on her bed. Jo then went to sit down next to her.

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