2. Thirsty Thursday

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Veneer: "Kid Ritz!"

I turn, shocked he's calling me. I head over, nervous, as the football boys look me up and down.

Veneer pulls me in for a hug, resting his hands on my arm like the girl hanging on the football player.

Veneer: "Guys, this is my new friend Kid Ritz. He's totally smart; he finished all of his work in, like, ten minutes. He's going to tutor me today, because he's so sweet."

Kid Ritz: "That's nice of you to say. I was heading to the library now if you wanted to go with me."

Veneer nods, grabbing his tote and slinging it on his arm. He walks to the girl, hugging her before hugging the other boys in the group.

Veneer: "By guys. Velv, text me for dinner, ok?"

The girl, Velv, I assume, nods before going back on her phone, bored. Veneer and I walk away, the interaction leaving me feeling nervous.

Veneer: "I have to be honest with you; I don't know what I'm doing at all. I, like, am only in this class because I have to be, you know?"

Kid Ritz: "Don't worry about it. I can explain anything you need me to. If we run into any problems you don't get, we'll work through it. I'm done with classes for the day, so I have as long as you need me for."

Veneer smiles, letting me lead him to a table. He sits, pulling out his notebook and paper. I pull up the problems, refreshing my memory from yesterday.

Veneer puts his phone in his tote, staring at the notes he wrote like they're in another language.

We spend the next two hours reviewing the basics; Veneer can solve all the problems independently once we're done.

As Veneer writes in the last question, he groans exhaustively, flicking his pencil away.

Veneer: "That's horrible. You're so smart; I can't believe it took me two hours to do ten problems! I'm screwed!"

Kid Ritz: "Hey, it's all good. It was good practice for me."

Veneer smiles at me, pulling his phone out. I can see the mile-long list of notifications he has, letting me know how popular he is.

Veneer: "What's your Venmo?"

Kid Ritz: "Venmo?"

Veneer: "Yeah, I can pay you for the tutor."

He doesn't look up from whoever he's texting, flipping between Instagram, Snapchat, and regular texts.

Kid Ritz: "You don't have to pay me; I don't mind helping."

Veneer looks up, a shocked smile on his face.

Veneer: "No way I'm not paying! You have to know your worth, and if you are this smart, you should tutor."

I never thought of tutoring, but I guess it's something I should look into.

Kid Ritz: "Why don't we take this first session as a free trial."

Veneer laughs, which is very lovely to hear.

Veneer: "If you say so. I'm so ready to go home; I'm exhausted."

Kid Ritz: "Me too. I'm going to study, then probably go to bed."

Veneer: "Study? You already have to study?"

Kid Ritz: "I just like to be prepared."

Veneer: "That's so smart. I'm going to go home and watch TV with Velvet."

Kid Ritz: "You're sister?"

Veneer: "Yeah, isn't she cool? We're doing a spa night tonight; then, tomorrow, we will do a maintenance day. Thursday, we're going on a supply run for thirsty Thursday and to stock up for Friday and Saturday. I'll text you the deets later once I know the times."

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