Chapter Nine: Morning Awakening

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The soft rays of the morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room as Ethan stirred awake. He blinked sleepily, gradually becoming aware of the comforting weight pressing against his chest.

As Ethan shifted, he felt the rise and fall of Alex's breaths beneath him, the steady rhythm soothing in its familiarity. He realized with a soft smile that he had somehow ended up nestled against Alex's chest during the night, their bodies fitting together in perfect harmony.

Gently extricating himself from Alex's embrace, Ethan sat up in bed, a blush creeping across his cheeks as he took in their intimate position. He glanced down at Alex, who was still lost in peaceful slumber, his features relaxed and serene in the early morning light.

With a fond smile, Ethan reached out and brushed a stray lock of hair away from Alex's forehead, his touch light and tender. "Hey, sleepyhead," he murmured softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Alex stirred at the sound of Ethan's voice, his eyelids fluttering open as he slowly blinked away the remnants of sleep. He looked up at Ethan with a lazy smile, his gaze warm and affectionate.

"Morning," Alex said, his voice husky with sleep.

"Good morning," Ethan replied, his cheeks flushing at the intimate closeness between them. He couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in his chest at the sight of Alex's tousled hair and sleepy smile.

For a moment, they simply sat there in companionable silence, basking in the quiet intimacy of the moment. Ethan couldn't help but marvel at the feeling of Alex's chest rising and falling beneath his touch, the steady beat of his heart a comforting presence.

But as the minutes ticked by, Ethan knew they couldn't linger in bed forever. With a reluctant sigh, he gently extricated himself from Alex's embrace and climbed out of bed, the warmth of their shared moment lingering in the air.

As he went about his morning routine, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling of contentment that settled over him. With Alex by his side, even the simplest moments held the promise of something special.

"Any plans for breakfast?" Ethan asked, turning back to Alex, who was now sitting up in bed, a drowsy smile on his face.

Alex stretched, his muscles flexing beneath the sheets. "I could go for some pancakes," he said, his voice still heavy with sleep.

Ethan chuckled. "Pancakes it is, then," he replied, already imagining the fluffy stacks topped with syrup and fresh fruit.

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