Chapter 1

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6:30 AM_Location: Seoul, South Korea

Choi's Residence

An alarm went off, making a figure reached their arm out of the bed sheet. Vigorously searching for the alarm, and annoyed, the figure sat up on the bed, turned to their left, and smacked their alarm clock with full force, making the clock silent. The figure yawned and rubbed their eyes. It was a girl with long black hair and was wearing royal blue pajamas.

She took some moments to regain conscious and slowly gets herself out of bed. As soon as her feet touches the ground, they moved across the room, to the bathroom, the girl complained. "Ah, stupid alarm, why so early?" She said to herself.

As she walks to the bathroom, she noticed the morning sunlight peeking through curtains, shining across her face, catching her attention to approach the window. Opened them and was welcomed with Korea's calm aesthetic view, a beautiful and quiet morning.

The calm view of her family's house yard lifted her mood from the annoying alarm. The sight of a few trees, large grassland, and the white fencing the perimeter gave a serene feeling. The grass was freshly mowed, and a few flowers were in bloom. After sending her twitter post, Aeri's phone began to buzz, she grabs her phone and saw her one of her friends greeting in the text group and immediately replied.

"Good morning Aeri! ☀️ Did you sleep well?"

"Yeji unnie, I slept so bad :< I kept on dreaming about something."

"It must be your anxiety, since you moved from Japan to Korea, it's normal for you to experience homesickness Aeri."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Don't worry Aeri, you'll get used to it soon!"

"Thank you unnie. By the way, are you at school?"

"Yeah, I came really early to practice for my dance class. You?"

"I just got up and is getting ready at the moment."

"Ahh Aeri! Hurry up! Don't want to be late for school 😡"

"Okay, okay I'm going now! 😭"



Aeri puts down her phone, and quickly ran to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Aeri got a good look at herself in the mirror and noticed something. Her face was pale, and she had bags under her eyes. She was surprised but knew that it was because of all the moving from Japan to South Korea. "Oh man, I look so worn out." She said to herself and looked away from the mirror. After washing up, she gets herself dressed in her new school uniform, as she fixes her face and hair, there was a knock on her door from her mom, Yuri, a woman in her mid-thirties.

"Aeri, are you awake?"

"Yeah, I'm up, Mom. Come in." Aeri called, fixing her collar.

Yuri opens the door, "Good morning, Aeri, how did you sleep?"

"Oh, just fine. The new room's comfortable."

"That's good."

Aeri noticed that her mother's face looked sad, and the look made Aeri worried, "Are you okay, Mom?"

"I'm fine. I'm just happy that you and Dad finally moved here with the rest of us."

"Yeah, it feels nice, to be together once again and hopefully permanently."

Aeri was trying to act cheerful for her mom.

But truthfully, she was a little sad and devasted to leave her home and friends behind. Her and her dad had lived in Japan for years, and she was close to her friends, and she didn't want to say goodbye, but her family's job required them to move.

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