Chapter 2.1

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8:00 AM_Location: SM Main Building

The "Main Building" is the school office, where principal Lee Soo Man, the teachers and staffs are located. It also contains meeting rooms and study areas for both teachers and students.

Upon entering, Aeri was astounded by the visual splendor of the building's interior. There was a spacious atrium featuring a staircase, which had a balustrade and leads to a second floor. The atrium has a glass ceiling, allowing natural light to illuminate the space. There were potted plants strategically placed around, adding a touch of greenery to the modern office building. And the color palette of the image consists of earthy tones such as brown, gray and whites, creating a harmonious and elegant atmosphere.

Aeri, thinking to herself, as they go up the stairs and she meerkat her way around the building, "Gosh the interior itself is like art, so clean and elegant. Heck, all this just for an office building?"

Jaehyun, noticing his sister's drooling face stops in his track to gain her attention. Aeri eyes were so glued on the interior design but with quick reflexes, her eyes catching Jaehyun, she stopped herself from bumping into him.

"Man, didn't think someone like you, who daydreams, would have such reflexes." Jaehyun teases his sister as they continue to walk up the stairs. Aeri pouted and annoyed by his behavior, "Well, what did you expect, Oppa? To give in and fall? You forgotten that I've practically lived by myself, along with dad, must stay safe and alert."

Jaehyun raising an eyebrow, "Even when daydreaming?" Aeri, cutely, according to Jaehyun's Pov, glared at him, "Yes, even when daydreaming." She quickens her pace to pass her brother. Jaehyun giggled as he caught up to her.

Together they walked through the halls, and just a couple feet's away to the teacher's office, they were stopped by a couple of Jaehyun's buddies (or classmates). They surrounded Jaehyun, leaving Aeri out as if she was invisible.

"Seems like they were urgent to talk with Oppa." Aeri thought to herself and took this time to observe and analyze her brothers' buddies.

(It is time to look through Jaehyun's friends, please bear with me 🙏 and try to take a guess who's who😉)

Observing, (1)a very tall guy caught her eyes quicky. He had reddish-brown hair, a strong, defined jawline that gives him a masculine and chiseled look, expressive eyes, well-defined arched eyebrows and relaxed facial expression. (2) And next to him was a shorter man with glasses. He has a slender and elegant appearance, with eyes that convey a wide range of emotions, slender nose and lips that formed a gentle smile.

(3)"Don't do that!" a loud voice boomed from them. Making Aeri search who it belonged to and found a pair of hands strangling the shorter guy with glasses. He had almond-shaped eyes, lips that were highlighted with natural colors, cheeks defined yet gentle. Which gives him a youthful appearance. But instead, with his angered expression, "He looks like a very angry bunny 😅", giggling to herself.

(4)"Alright, I think that's enough. And you, stopping strangling him, calm down." another voice switching Aeri's attention, he had a calm tone. His eyes convey warmth and calmness with a gentle gaze, cheekbones that add a subtle and soft touch to his face. (5)"Hahaha!"

"Huh? Who's laughing?" Aeri's eye moved quickly and found another guy, his arms were around Jaehyun's shoulders. He had eye caring intensity, making him look charismatic, a well-defined nose with sharpness and depth, yet with a full smile. His strong jawline contributes an overall athletic look. (6)"Okay, that's enough!" a firm, demanding voice breakthrough, causing every one of them to stop.

Aeri didn't need to search like how she did with the others. She knew exactly who that voice belonged to, based on his distinctive aurora. He had sharp, cat-like eyes giving him a piercing enigmatic look, a jawline that gave his face a sleek appearance. "Woah, who's that? He looks intimidating."

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