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Ebbot City; 20XX, 26th of December... 06:24am

Monsters have returned to the surface 3 years ago, the extraordinary Frisk and ??? being the "heroes" of monster kind. Christmas has passed and everyone was preparing for the New Year and the late Queen of the monsters, Toriel Dreemur wanted to see an old friend, disregarding the problems and rules against it.

Nicole's POV;

I had a peaceful Christmas, talking with my brother as well as little traditions I had learnt when I was stuck with my friends the monsters. I was enjoying a snowy walk around the city, the wind as strong as ever with children playing merrily though there were some people who were never quiet. The "No Monsters" protest, it was an annoyingly massive group of humans who believed monsters shouldn't be on the surface. They're despicable and cruel but the most monsters I know have done wrong and aren't any better, but I understand why. During my 'cheerful' walk to a monster café called 'Muffets', I got a sudden call and simply answered, unaware of who was calling. "Good morning, Thia speaking. What's the context of this call and who might I be speaking with?" my bittersweet tone escaped, and I froze with the weather as I recognized the caller, "Ma- Toriel? What brings you to speak with me? The first time in the past year now that I think of it." I could hear Toriel's mumbling until she spoke clearly, "I am so sorry I haven't kept in touch with you my child, but I was wondering if you'd like to celebrate the New Years with us. Uh- I must go but goodbye my child! I hope to see you soon." Toriel said her goodbyes as I was still processing what she had said but then it clicked, "Wait!- Who's 'us'? Where- andddd she has already hung up..." I sighed, putting my phone in my pocket before I walked through protesting humans and into Muffets, the odd but calming sound of the bell as I stepped through the door interrupted the pathetic name calling of the outsiders. Thankfully, I greeted by the familiar faces of regulars and Muffet(?) at the counter. I walked up to the spider and sat on a bar stool, spinning lazily, "Muffet? Did you-... You aren't Muffet," I look the spider lady up and down, trying to make sense of how similar she looked to Muffet. The moment I tried to speak, Muffet slid through the kitchen door, "Thia, deary! How has your morning been?" Muffet handed me my regular order as she seemed quick to notice my confusion, "Oh, Thia, meet my 'sister', Marisa" I froze, attempting to mentally comprehend what was happening. I shook it off, "Pleasure to meet you Mrs Marisa and to answer your question, Muffet. It was pleasant until those useless protesters invaded my peace." I pouted which quickly turned to a smirk Muffet knew too well. "Deary, don't start-" Muffet sighed knowing she was too late to stop me, "Sorry to bug you sweetheart but could I get a coffee as well?~" I quickly dodged Muffet's attempt to wack my head then turned my head to Marisa, "Fuhuhuhu~ She reminds me of someone," I assumed she was talking about Sans and stared off into the abyss, "Thia here was a friend of my Sans but I guess she had the punny behaviour beforehand," looking over to Muffet, I raised an eyebrow at 'My Sans' as I placed cash on the counter, paying for my stuff and leaning on the counter with an idiotic grin, "I didn't mean to bee so insectsitive" Muffet let out a contained giggle as she went back into the kitchen.

Stretch's POV;

This girl... She walked through a group of protesters who were calling her horrid names just to talk to Classic's Muffet. The only human here I know of that's willing to do something like that is Frisk. I chuckle at the sight as the girl was nearly wacked at the back of her head, but something caught me off guard, what did Muffet mean by 'She was a friend of my Sans'? He nor has anyone else mentioned a second human. Though, she did seem a bit well known as she entered, I wonder what happen. I shortcutted to the bar stool next to her as she turned her head towards me, having an odd expression, "I know I'm handsome, but ya don't have to stare" I smirked which faltered when her expression dropped and she stood, disappearing into the kitchen where Muffet was. "What's her problem?" I muttered to myself as 'Marisa' heard and thought to answer, "You must remind her of some old friends, they must not talk about her for a reason," I scoffed and Marisa went to the girl and Muffet, I shortcutted back to where I and a few others were staying which just happened to be Toriel's. I calmly waltzed in to see a tense Classic with other confused or unbothered skeletons listening to Mrs Toriel, "Toriel, why would you invite her over with THEM still here?!" Classic gestured at me and the other skeletons as 'Cream' also known as this AU's Papyrus, was clearly uncomfortable. 

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