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(The beginning's a joke- I was genuinely just bored asf and remembered I had a gacha phase in 2018 with no talent.)

New Memories

Ebbot City; 20XX, 27th of December... 05:02am

Thia's POV:

I was laying peacefully in bed until a certain SOMEONE shook me awake. I easily awoke, stretching a bit as I sat up and looked over at Frisk upon realizing it was still dark, "Frisk, darling... What's the time? It seems a bit early for a kid and we don't have to pick up Blue until 10am or a little sooner" Thia softly explained as she checked the time. Frisk had this adorable pout before they took my hand and led me downstairs to a music room. I got slightly confused before looking over to the kid with comprehension. "Dear, it's too early in the day and far too late in the night for me to be singing." I swear the kid would've rolled their eyes if they'd open them for once. As if they had read my mind, they scoffed and grabbed a guitar, placing it in my hands before sitting down in a little pile of blankets. I chuckled and put down the guitar before picking them up and holding them against my hip, "I sometimes forget that you're forever bound to Chara, it was doomed someday she'd rub off on you." Frisk giggled as if Chara was spiritually responding, it's a shame Frisk is the only one who can see Chara, but I guess it's better than having them alone. I sighed before humming and an old piano magically followed the tune as I began singing.

(Play the song up top if you'd like or just skip past the song)

"Now the hour has come at last, the soft and fading light

Has crossed the west horizon and has bidden us goodnight

And what a lovely night it is to walk a moonlit field

To see the softer shades that are my starlight now revealed

So why is it that now when all is quiet and at rest

I walked among the halls of my house, using magic to soothe Frisk to a temporary sleepy state.

When candles glow we know the world is at is at it's very best

The creatures of this mudball should lock themselves away

To shun the moon and wait instead for brother's sunny day~

Thia laid Frisk back onto her bed and tucked them in.

Am I so wrong to wish that they would see things like I do

and am I so wrong to think that they might love me too

Why shouldn't they adore me

Is it not within my right

I will not be overshadowed by miss 'not the lesser light'

I teleported on to my roof to see the sun's rays illuminating the horizon.

I have waited long enough now, for them all to come around

Now the Sun may plead at threatened,

The Moon will stand her ground

A purple aura followed my hand as I raised the moon to it's apex but I let the Sun slowly rise from it's horizon. The moon looked miraculously brighter in this position.

It comes to this at last, I will no longer yield the sky

If they cannot love but one royal alone

See the Moon is rising, she has come to claim the heavens for her own."

I lower the moon and quit singing once sensing Frisk was completely asleep.

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