Chapter 1

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(Shanghai Aerospace Research Institute - Conference Room)

   The  Shanghai Aerospace Research Institute  is China's state-owned and leading institution that deals in Aerospace activities as well as any related field which  is equivalent to being USA's NASA, and currently at this late hour every key people in the institute as as well as every department and personnel involved where present and in deep  discussion and review for the upcoming launch of the very first Space probe exploration in the Red Planet, Mars.

         Mars Rover or as named in accordance to the Chinese God of Fire, Zhurong is an undergoing project of Shanghai Aerospace Institute that will elevate China's standing in the world's Aerospace Industry as being the second country aside from US to explore the Red Planet. This was made  possible through painstaking efforts of the team that comprises BASE-158 and moreover it was because of the clear insights, guidance, and contribution of Engineer Yu.

        Engineer Yu or Yu Tu referred by people in the Institute and those close to him, is probably considered as the ace or hidden weapon of China's Aerospace Industry not only is he a graduate of Tsinghua University one of China's most prestigious University, but a graduate with not just one, but two bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering  and Business Administration. He is the first and probably only one to have done that in the History of Tsinghua.

      Engineer Yu, if you asked a random passerby could probably tell  you that he will be mistaken as an idol or an actor with how long his legs are and how handsome his face is and regardless of how he dress himself, clearly how unfair that when God showered Beauty on Earth, Engineer Yu must have been  reserved to be in the front row  basking at its droplets.

           His handsome looks aside, Engineer Yu is also  athletic as he in High School, Senior High School, College, and even in the Institute is part of the Basketball team and Football team in College, although he tried to downplay it by only being a reserved player as he reasons that he wants to give others the chance as he is very busy studying, how very gracious of him really as a God amongst men to give others the chance and thus the other team should be grateful as  it's clear as a crystal once Engineer Yu entered and play in the court, the winner is already decided.

       Being good looking and athletic is already considered a great package, however Engineer Yu is also academically inclined as we already have his double degree to prove a point. However, let's elaborate as he is also included in the Top 50 of the highest IQ in China... keyword China, not City nor Province its China, Engineer Yu's IQ is on the national level and have I mentioned him also having Masteral and Doctoral degree in Aerospace Engineering. Clearly, Engineer Yu's title of well being an Engineer is not to scoff at.

            A little not known fact or pretty much just being very lowkey about it is that Engineer Yu is a fuerdai, however he is very keen on having a handful of people know it like his bosses in the institute as it is one of the need to know case when it comes to being a government worker, some close friends from college aka his dormmates and some close friends in Yixing his hometown. His wealth is amassed not because of his uncle who's the Chairman of the Y.U. GROUP nor the fact that he is reliving a second life, but because he worked hard for it.

       Clearly, China's Aerospace Institute struck a diamond, a star, a meteor, or whatever adjectives can be described as winning a grand prize or a best actor/actress award in the entertainment industry. Anyway, we are going way off the topic as it is clear that the meeting is coming to an end hence let's get back to it.

"And that brings the end of our presentation on our Mars Rover - Zhurong. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Me and Vice Chief Yu we will answer all your inquiries." Guan Zai the Chief Engineer of the Zhurong project, Yutu's boss as well as best friend voiced through the microphone just as Engineer Yu also looked intently at the panel of judges whom will judge whether their proposal is approved or disproved.

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