CH1: Emotional Damage

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It was the day that Linda got rejected by Abraham
Lincoln. She couldn't believe her eyes as she watched the love of her life walk away, only to be left with a very delectable strand of hair she had kept in her phone case all these years.

She was up all night thinking of this man, the one she had once dreamed of building a home with. Unfortunately, she had work the next day, so she was forced to drift off to sleep as she looked at photos of Karma Akabane.

The next day, she woke up at 7AM, with her shift starting at 7:30AM. She thought she had enough time to get ready, but she spaced out for 45 minutes whilst hugging her Karma body pillow and chewing on Abraham's hair strand. Once she realized she was late, she quickly got up and tied her hair in a messy bun while listening to Karma moaning boyfriend ASMR.

She walks to her workplace in sweatpants and a dirty McDonald's uniform. "I'm not like other girls, I don't do laundry!" she says to herself, as she continues walking with Girl in Red blasting in her airpods. Once she arrives at McDonald's, she takes a deep breath in.

"I'm ready for work, one day I'll fix Marcus!" she states, tidying up her messy bun and taking off her glasses to show the world her straight eyeliner. She tries walking in, but soon realizes that she literally cannot see. Walking into the glass wall, her fingerprints stain the glass. Defeated, she puts her glasses back on and stares at the glass wall. "Ah, this reminds me of those red thoughts tiktoks..."

She walks into the McDonald's and starts her shift. She's serving an old lady when she sees ABRAHAM LINCOLN walk in with his arm wrapped around Juno. Linda looks at them for a few seconds before anime hopping over the counter and knocking out the poor old lady. "Karma would want me to do this! I've been looking forward to this for my whole life, and now, Abraham, you will DIE!" Unfortunately, before Linda is done her monologue, the police show up. Linda stands stunned, knowing her fragile tiny body cannot Karma her way out of this one.

The police are about to arrest her, when suddenly...

"Are you free this Friday?" Linda asks the police officer.

"What? Girlie pop, you're under arrest and unfriended on discord..."

"B-but.. I'm not like other girls!! (Linda takes out her phone and shows the Asian officer the hair strand."

"Girl what the fuck..." The officer stands in shock. The officers around are about to take her into custody, but a certain scent fills the room, as a certain someone walks in with a cloud of Old Spice trailing behind.

"Don't worry I've got you bbg."

This man takes out his backpack full of Old Spice deodorant sprays and sprays it in the cops' faces. Some of the cops are now blind, whilst the other cops are fleeing the scene carrying the bodies of the blind.

The main officer that was insulting Linda was fleeing the scene, but he said one final sentence.

"Woo, that's got a little kick to it.."

The man grabs Linda's small, tiny arm and runs out of the McDonald's with her. He drags her into a nearby forest, leading her into his secret bunker.

"W-where is this place?" Linda asks, latching herself onto his arm.

"I'm taking you home with me. I'm now your alpha wolf, you do as I say."

"B-but what about my Karma body pillow?" Linda is distraught, unable to fathom that she may be leaving her husband behind.

"Don't worry babe, I brought it here. Now the whole family can bathe in the scent of Old Spice for as long as we live." The man takes his black jacket off, revealing his true identity.


gabe x linda x matt x lily : a true love storyWhere stories live. Discover now