Chapter 2: Lunch

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I ran through the halls, Gosh! I needed to meet that Danny guy quick, I was told that the 4 patients needed to be seen in the morning or the schedule would be ruined. I live to be the perfect worker that everyone looks up to. "Janet!" I yelled tripping over my feet falling on her messy desk causing paperwork to scatter. "Janet, dear. Sorry about this bother but can yo-" I was talking while fixing my long nurse outfit "N-no problem! A-anything for you!" She told standing up slightly jumping. "Do you know where Ghost face is?" I asked "O-oh, Miss Y/n, which one?" "Huh what do you mean? There's more than one?" I ask bending to her hight. "Yup! Billy and Stu, you might have heard about them a few times they're in their rooms as we speak room 202 and 203, and Danny got in trouble and is in the protective cell, it's located above us" She said pointing her painted pink nail to the glass room on the second floor where a blurred figure was standing. "Whats he in there for?" I asked "W-we really don't know, once the guards told him that his new caretaker came by the name Y/n his behavior suddenly changed and gave more trouble than h-he already does. Strange right!?" She squealed real strange. Does  he know who I am? Or is he trying to mess with me?

Making my way upstairs knocking on the door while calling out Danny. Taps of footsteps followed the sound of my voice. "Y/n!" The voice muffled It's amazing to see you in person! The boy squealed in delight. "Can I get your autograph on my camera?" His breath fogging up the glass through his mask that represented a screaming ghost. "I don-... You know what? Sure." I said reaching out to the glass about to open it. "Y/n!" A soft voice yelled. I turned my head to see Janet? "get away fron him! He's dangerous." Her voice growing angry. Danny barely took a glance at Janet, Mumbling a few ' annoying/ once I'm out of here / she'll be dead soon'. Janet took a hard grip on my hand and dragged me back to her desk. "Y/n just because he's your patients doesn't mean you can trust him. He's still a killer!" Janet yelled gripping her white sweater her neat brown hair falling in her face covering her freckles. "I'll be fine I always will" I reassured her "Y/n you deeply worry me, please be safe." Janet pleaded. "I said don't worry, anyways I need to go. It's almost lunch." Brushing off her care for me. What a sweet girl.

It's eight forty-five am. On my way to the cafeteria I saw Micheal and Hannibal walking with guards surrounding them. I gave them a little wave, walking closer to them so I could join them on the way. "No, a woman like you can't be this close to these freaks" One of the guards on the left side of Hannibal flirted than pushed me. Earing a barely noticeable glare from Micheal and Hannibal. Rude! About to fight back I realised that could earn me more trouble. Turning around I found Jason walking with paper and pencil crayons in his left hand. "Jason- ACK!" I squealed as my boobs were crushed on the dirty floor. And someone was sitting on my butt. "Hotstuff! How's it going!? Unfortunately our time together was cut short because of that rude witch looking lady, what's her name?... Jacket? January? Oh yea, Janet" Danny said with disgust saying her name. "Geez, I'm shocked they even let you out!" I told him my vocal cords sounding strained "I thought the same!" Danny spoke. "O.M.G, LOOK AT THE MESS I MADE! Let me help!" Danny yelled flipping me around pointing his finger at my chest. No he wouldn't. Danny's hands brushed the dirt of my chest. My face was blank. 'That should of got him a big slap' I thought


Danny was laying on the floor and Jason was holding me with his other arm. "J-jason did you just? Knock him out?" My mouth agape, Jason gave me a stern nod. Jason held my hand an dragged me into the cafeteria. Who stood in the middle? The guy from earlier who gave me this outfit. His eyes locked with mine a smile grew into his face. "Just in time Y/n. Everyone I would like you to meet Y/n. She will be the new nurse to the following people"

Micheal Myers
Hannibal Lector
Jason Voorhees
Danny Johnson
Brahms H
Norman Bates
Thomas Sawyer
Bubba Sawyer

Happiness and sadness filled the air. "S-s-she s-seems nic-ce r-r-ight B-br-rahms!" Norman told the man next to him. "Yup! Hopefully she'll stay." A childish voice replied. "They got lucky! This is full unfair, they got the hot nurse!" Chucky yelled to the sulking boys next to him "for once you have a point" Stu said, Billy nodded. "Geez, watch her leave like the others no point on getting upset about something that's not gonna stay." Don't be so harsh! A cute nurse like her has to stay! Put a smile on your face for once" Pennywise laughed.
"Thomas, Bubba, shes ugly like trash just like hockey puck over their, you agree, right?" Freddy said earning a sharp shake from bubba 'no'. Thomas turned his head away also a 'no'. "You ugly rats shes not all that!" Freddy yelled

Taking looks at the food they were eating hurt. Can you even call it food? It looked like real garbage it make me sick. The smell was revolting. Walking my way into the kitchen the smell was even worse.

After cooking one of my meals that would be shown on my modeling job. I'm sure they would love to eat this. My hands held 6 plates going back and forth. Soon everyone had a (your meal ). All of them enjoyed it even the ones trying to hide it. Even Pennywise and Freddy tried your food! "Y/n you made it the same way you did on your modeling agency add!" Danny spoke munching on your food. 'Ahh so he did know.' I thought. "Modeling agency? Are you popular or something" the Burt bacon man sat trying to pry. "You don't know who she is!? Y/n is a very popular singer and model!" Danny yelled flipping his finger at him. YOUR FAMOUS?...
Im done for.


Danny is jealous of Janet and Janet is jealous of Danny.

Danny's guards didn't let him go. Lets just say he kindly sent them off this world and straight to hell.

Danny is plannimg to kill Janet.

Jason really really REALLY likes you. He would do anything for your attention.

Micheal and Hannibal where not mad at the guard for calling them crazy but because he was trying to hit on you, and he pushed you.

When you walked into the cafeteria everyone thought you were hot.

Bubba, Brahms, and Norman already has a crush on you.

BILLY and Stu wanted you before Danny

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