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[ Warning :: Contains strong language/curse words. ]

Augustine looks out the window and realizes.. it's snowing..?

Wow, that can't be real.

“..I-is that.. snow...?”

Augustine nods, his attention focused on the snow.

“..Just to.. double check, it's.. currently July, right..?”

“Yes, Winnie, it's July..”

Both of them couldn't believe that there was snow outside.. IN THE MIDDLE OF JULY. Augustine thought it's not real and he got the sudden urge to get out.

He tries to open the car door, but it won't budge.. It was frozen, completely frozen. He panics and starts kicking the door.


The car door suddenly burst open, Augustine peered outside the car.


It IS snowing.

Winnie takes a look at the outside aswell, making Augustine fall face-first into the snow.

“Oops– Sorry, hehe~”

Augustine gets up, looks around and realizes this wasn't the road they previously drove on. This was.. another place.

“Where are we...?”

Augustine mumbles, looking around. He saw many lightposts surrounding them, so he assumes it's a highway...? Or whatever it is.

“Oh my... Look at our clothes, Auggie!”

Winnie says that made Augustine look at his and Winnie's clothes. He notices that he was wearing the exact same clothes as last winter, while Winnie's clothes were the ones he wore when he fell off the stairs.

“..What the hell..”

“So weird... but lucky you! You have clothes that will keep you warm! While mine... is an indoor outfit.”

Winnie says with his voice becoming much more quieter and softer wuth each word. Augustine then notices Winnie shaking. He looks at him worriedly.

“Are you...?”

“Ah, y-yes.. but Auggie.. C-can you.. find something to.. warm us both?..”

Winnie said, very weakly. He felt like his fingers are going to fall off any second because of how numb they felt. He felt very weak because of how cold he felt. He felt like he was gonna die from the cold.

Augustine rushes inside the car to search for something to warm them up. He searched his car's compartments, he searched every inch of his car.

“Winnie, I know you smoke. Where's your lighter?!”

Augustine said angrily. He kept searching only to hear Winnie's answer.

“Ah, my lighter.. I left it on my room..”

My god. How is this guy so...

Augustine got out of the car only to find Winnie, almost passing out from the cold. Despite hating him, he runs to Winnie and hugs him really tight, warming him slowly. Augustine takes off his hat and puts it on Winnie, to avoid him from having a frostbite. He grabs Winnie's hand and put it between his, he warms his hand by exhaling warm air on it.

He realizes what he did, but he didn't care. He NEEDED Winnie to survive. Not because he's Augustine's ‘bestfriend’, but because he needs someone to talk to.

He kept doing this until he was sure that Winnie's temperature was warm enough for his body to start heating up again. When Winnie reached that temperature, Augustine pulls away from the hug.

“H-hey.. Your hat–”

“..Just put it on.”

“What about you..?”

“...Don't worry about me. Worry about your own safety.”

Augustine leaves him alone, he decides to walk around, trying to familiarize the place.

He remembers what Winnie said to him before they got into a fight..

That damn bastard... How could he act so innocent when he's the one to blame.. How is he so stu–

His thoughts cut off as he saw an ominous figure in the distance. He swore it has an antler, much like elks.

He ran back to Winnie, who was still sitting and looking at his new-built snowman.

“Winnie!! Get back in the car!”

“Wh– Why?! Did something happen?”

“I- I saw a large animal when I was just exploring the place...”

“Well... what does it look like?”


Winnie gets inside the car while Augustine tried to close the door, but unsurprisingly, it didn't close.



Augustine left the door open. They sat at the backseat, doing everything in their power to warm themselves. They didn't care about each other at this point, well that's what Augustine thought.

Winnie looks at him worriedly while he warms himself, he tries to ask if he needs help but he got cutted off by Augustine.

“You... You're the reason why.. we got stuck in this shit.”

“What..? No, I'm not. I didn't do anything.”

“Shut up... I know you're the reason why we're stuck in this fucking snowstorm.”

”H-how.. How are you so sure it's my fault?..”

“You.. You're only here to make my life a living hell.. and I am sure that you did this to make it more miserable.”

“Auggie, what do you mea–”

“You know what I mean, and don't call me Auggie.”


“Shut up, you thought I didn't notice huh..?”


“If only my parents didn't accept your parents' offer, then I would've been doing much more important stuff right now.”


[Authors Note]
Heyaaa! This is my first story so please don't expect my vocabulary to be like a professionals' lol.. This chapter is also kinda short?? Anyways, English isn't my first language, so expect some wrong grammar and stuff.. I also didn't proof-read this because I'm too busy.. So yeaaaa, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it :3

[916 Words]

The Warmth I Felt Amidst The SnowstormWhere stories live. Discover now