Forgive and Forget?

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Winnie's eyes widen in shock, he couldn't believe that his bestfriend - the most important person in his life, his only TRUE friend - said this right infront of his face.


"You heard me."

Augustine leaves the car, he doesn't even care if he freezes to death at this point. He didn't even bother listening to his excuses, he knows this is all a lie.

He'd rather freeze to death than to spend more time with that guy.

He walks away as far as possible from the car, and from Winnie. Instead of lifting up his mood, his confession only made it worse, making him feel bad and at the same time, be finally feel free from all the jealousy and anger that built up in the past months.

[Winnie's POV]


All I can think of is why? Why did he say that? Why is he mad at me? I didn't do anything...

Ever since last winter, I've always asked myself, "Did I do anything wrong?" but until now... I never knew I would ask myself seriously, over and over again.

Did I say something that offended him? What did I do?
Our friendship is falling apart...

These were the words that kept bothering me 'til now.

Maybe we should reconsider our relationship,
If there even is a relationship between us.

[Augustine POV]

I walked in every direction until I saw.... that creature again, this time, in a much more closer view. It has horns like an Elk, which is coincidentally Winnie's favorite animal, and it looks kind of like a bear...? which is coincidentally my favorite animal. It looks very terrifying and weird. I don't even think an actual animal would look like something horrible and disgusting like that.

"What the fu-..."

I whisper, trying to not make a noise to not startle or scare off the thing. I continue staring at it, analyzing and processing every inch of that thing.
I just realized.. it looks like a mix of our favorite animals. Which is really odd.

After a while, I walk away slowly to not make a noise. I make my way back to the car, even though my anger is still present, I just can't continue walking for a few more minutes 'cause I feel really cold and numb.

[3RD Person POV]

Augustine walks back to the car, almost getting lost in the process. At this point, he's running because he can't really feel his fingers anymore and he's on the verge of collapsing.

In the car, Winnie was zoning out, still in disbelief (and in denial) that Augustine said that to him.

Before getting in, Augustine reconsiders if he'll just sit back inside the car and apologize or if he'll just ignore him completely. In the end, his conscience took over him and decided to apologize. He doesn't know if his apology will work, knowing he went too far with his words.

He opens the car door and sits in the passenger sit, secretly glancing at Winnie in the rear-view mirror to make sure if he's alright. He saw that Winnie is staring into the blue, he doesn't even blink...

After a few minutes of staring at Winnie's reflection at the rear-view mirror, he finally blinked and looked at the rear-view mirror, making the two of them indirectly stare at each other.

Augustine can feel his face warming up a bit, he doesn't know if he's blushing or if it's just his body heating up, but he believes that it's just his body's response to the cold.

They continue staring at each other for a few minutes until Augustine broke the deafening silence.


Winnie blinked and looked at him curiously, hinting that he's curious on what he was about to say.

"I... I'm sorry..."

Augustine said, with a sincere tone.

Winnie's gaze softens upon his apology, he was really upset with him yet he still nodded in acception.



The word ‘What’ was all he can think of. His eyes widen in surprise before changing back to its original sharp eyes.

How the fuck did he just... easily forgive me?

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Winnie decides to speak.

“..What do we do?”

Augustine looks at him via the rear-view mirror, Winnie still staring right at him.

“I... don't know.”

“Maybe we should walk around...?”

Augustine looks at him with a ‘Seriously?’ look.


Augustine rolls his eyes, he doesn't have a choice but to follow Winnie's suggestion.



helloooo, sorry for making y'all wait. i keep procrastinating this chapter + i don't have any ideas, so it's a bit short lol. i promise you won't be disappointed in the next chapter i swear🙏

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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