Finding the dice to roll with

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"Ugg What are we doing wrong?!" Veneer sighed at his sister's shrill cry as she threw the headphones that were on her ears on the couch. Her frustration was as high as his with how they couldn't sing and the tension between the two twin siblings was about to bubble over in the brewing cauldron that was their apartment.

"Maybe we can try again after we get some coffee?" Veneer tried to soothe his sister's temper by placing his hands on her milky shoulders smoothing his thumbs into her tense muscles, working out the kinks softly.

"We've tried again so many times... I just want us to be famous you know! We deserve it." Her pale moonlight blue eyes stared into their matching deep sapphire colored sky as Velvet glared at her brother, almost in annoyance how he was able to quell the flames of her anger so easily.

"Look I know we deserve to be famous just cause we want to, but Velvie you're looking rough. I'm sure this isn't healthy for you." at his snarky remark that was laced with worry Velvet threw her perfume bottle at him with Veneer barely managing to dodge the ornamental gift from their mother, letting it shatter against the wall.

She didn't need to cool down, she needed to figure out a solution, she wanted to be remembered; eternally playing and boozing amongst the stars. She wanted to be iconic, a symbol of desire and envy. So with a huff she snarled at her twin,

"You know what Veneer, I'm getting coffee without you! You're bringing my aura down with your resting moody vibe face." The green haired female huffed again before she practically ran out the door, only taking her phone with her.

Veneer sighed as he was now left alone; his mind wondering as he needed to help his sister not only for her sake but his blood pressure's as well. As much as he adored his sister her temper and rage that was fueled by jealousy and greed.

Maybe he'll fix up some dinner for the two of them, after all Velvet was always able to see logic and reasoning after a plate of his eggplant parmigiana. A recipe he stole from his grandmother that he clutched to his chest as he found a better way to improve the recipe by adding a bit of paprika to it.

But he'll do that later, especially since he needed to go to the store to pick up some mozzarella and a container of salt as they were running low; however right now he wanted to explore their new apartment, the one that they both saved practically all of their allowances for to get.

It wasn't easy especially as Veneer had to pick up a job at his local hairdressers to pick up his sister's slack as she was determined to figure out a scheme to shoot up to stardom instead of having more realistic expectations while they slowly inched their way closer.

On the bonus side, the job was fun, especially with his coworker Midori as she made his day infinitely better as she showed him funny memes and spoke of all the drama that was occurring in her high school as their boss Gertrude watched on in glee even being bold enough to join in on their conversation while they all styled.

He certainly was grateful as he was hired with almost no experience since the owner was desperate for helping hands that she scooped him up right on the spot.

But Veneer was brought back into the moment as he saw a little closet that was no bigger than approximately two feet in height and with a delighted hum he got down on his knees and dug his fingernail into the covered key slot.

Once it was revealed Veneer used his pinky to pull the lockless door open and started exploring inside,

Having to stretch his arms in order to reach whatever it was that lurked on the other sides of that miniature door due to his dramatic height of six foot three was a pain. But having spindly noodle arms certainly helped as he wiggled them into the empty slot.

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