The average day for a twink

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Veneer sighed as he placed the bags on counter and glanced towards his watch to see that it was almost a quarter to one o'clock.

He'd have to put on his uniform and run out the door quickly. So with a renewed Vigor he ran to his room and closed the door, taking a deep sigh as he peeled away his previous attire and started to get ready.

Veneer stood in front of the full length body mirror Velvet had gotten him for his birthday last year, his hands trembling slightly as he reached for his typical uniform which always consisted of a white button up shirt and black dress pants since his boss demanded he and Midori dress to impress their clients as Gertrude certainly wanted to grab a certain audience with a sleek professional look so on the business like outfit of his went on,

As he slipped on the crisp white shirt and black pants, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of insecurity creeping up on him.

Feeling said twinges of disgust glaring back at him as he stared in the mirror letting his thoughts roam wild as he slipped the buttons into their holes.

Veneer knew he wasn't the most masculine man in the entirety of mount Rageous, with his slender frame and delicate features that he had inherited from his mother like his slim jawline and soft naturally flushed face along with his noodle like hair that draped down his shoulders lightly kissing his collar bones due to the length.

on the other hand his sister made up for his lack of masculinity with how she had the soft lean muscles that he felt twinges of jealousy towards.

Along with her sheer athletic ability as she not only took gymnastics but track in high school, she also had such a loud and lovable personality. He however was the opposite as he was a soft spoken and quiet background character, only amplifying his attitude to catch up with hers.

While his sister took physically straining after school activities, he was in the theater club and helped out with props, stitching together costumes, usually being rewarded by playing a background love interest that had no major lines in the play.

She also definitely took care of herself unlike him as her slender hands with pretty well maintained nails were always moisturized, along with her long glossy emerald hair that kissed her outer thighs due to him helping her maintain the length by trimming her split ends.

She was the epitome of flawlessness so whenever he was in her presence he often felt out of place. Much like a dandelion in a field of roses or a melody out of tune in a symphony that an amateur could point out.

Just as he was about to give in to his doubts and shelve his uniform back on his hanger the urge to call out sick again crippled him as he felt tears blur his eyesight, the sound of the front door followed by his bedroom door swinging open caught his attention.

Veneer turned to see his sister Velvet, her arms laden with shopping bags, stepping into his bedroom. She paused, taking in her brother's outfit with a warm smile.

"Oooo Looking good, Veneer but you always look good bro," Velvet said, her voice filled with genuine admiration. Veneer felt a surge of gratitude towards his sister as he watched her make her way over to him. But his mood turned a bit sour with hints of suspicion laced throughout as he took notice of the plethora of bags that littered her arms.

"Velvet.. Where did you go today?" She rolled her eyes and placed the shopping bags on his bed to which Veneer got a closer look at the labels while he buttoned up his fly. He scoffed as he felt now as if her compliment was a means to distract him from noticing her little shopping spree.

They were definitely designer he noted with annoyance written all over his expression as he started to lament,

"Velvet you can't just keep doing this especially if you're not going to get a job to keep up." His sister just rolled her eyes just like she always done at his hypocrisy especially since he too liked to blow sickening amounts of money on frivolous bullshit. But at least he was the bread winner and put some his money into a save for later jar, using the jar once a month to go on a massive shopping spree.

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