Talking details and learning something new 💕

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"Uhh.. what terms and conditions did you want to do?" Veneer sneered at how hot and bothered he was as now unexpectedly instead of the demon sitting across from him,

the king of lust was now on his lap, back to that adorable foot height as he wiggled his hips back and fourth as suddenly Veneer held a piece of over sized pink scroll with a pen in his other hand.

Veneer bit his lip groaning with permanently stained cheeks as he could feel the miniature demon's cock grinding softly into his own along with feeling the additional wet spot forming only beneath as the demon worked them both into stiffness.

Veneer can definitely recall how all this started; it all started with him trying to not look at Floyd's sultry stare but failing and even going as far as to complement his eye color calling them pretty only for the demon to hit him with a soft coo of,

"Keep sweet-talking me like that precious and this could go a whole new direction." Veneer's heart took off in a high speed chase at the demon's words, he knew exactly what the demonic entity meant but he wanted to see if he would be honest with him, but upon Veneer's anxious silence as the green haired Rageon tried to not to choke on his tongue at Floyd's sweet suggestive words, Floyd decided to take sympathy on him and chuckled out a soft,

"Sorry, precious. You're getting me all worked up baby~" those navy slim digits Floyd had in his Rageon form ran through his sleek tendril like pomegranate hair. But before Veneer could fully control himself as he felt his face flush and his cock stirring awake he blurted out,

"Well, I can't help it when you're around. Maybe you should come over here and see what happens." Veneer even spooked himself at the rough raspy tone he produced as Floyd's face stained a rich vibrant obsidian at his suggestive words and before the green haired man could open his mouth to protest. Floyd was on top of him; now in his original cute fun size happily taking Veneer up on his lustful offer.

Now,Veneer laid there in his own bed shaking and bucking after his recollection of how he ended up here with the demon on top on him, however he hastily pushed it aside as He knew the demon was most likely doing this (aka indulging his curiosity and taking up the steamy offer spelled out by him) as a form of distraction so he couldn't read over the fine print.

And as much as he hated to say it.. it worked and Veneer certainly couldn't concentrate on the words, but wasn't complaining about the warm body above him with those soft paws with their adorable little rounded nails curling into his shirt pulling it up before pawing at his chest like a cat, taking extra time to run his fingertips over his pastel powdery pink nipples

Veneer just wanted to grab the tiny demon's softer plush hips and penetrate that small body that was teasing him so frequently, craving to feel the silky interior of his insides against his silicone like cock with his milky powdery white tip slipping effortlessly into navy blue. Judging from his gentle skin and how it felt fuzzy like a fruit, Veneer bet that he'd be as soft and wet like the inside of one too.

Veneer felt some what at ease delving into this sudden spin of his own hormones and cravings not only because he knew that he could push Floyd off anytime he wanted, (especially if it got too far out of hand) plus it certainly helped to reassure him of the power he had due to the fact that Floyd had shifted back to his true size to also give Veneer the subtle reminder that he could say no and be able to read the contract without further interruption.

But Veneer loved this interruption, the feeling of Floyd's wet panties with his hard cock straining the material through his thin silk night bottoms made him buzz in eagerness. He's never had this before and can certainly understand why many people flocked to itch their cravings for this hot visceral feeling that worked itself through his system.

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