By the time they've gotten to the house, they might've lost there voice a bit and they knew they were only gonna lose it a bit more after they heard the songs playing from inside the house all the way outside to where they were. They planned on sticking together all through the night, and that's what they did: they ate, drank a bit, laughed, pushed each other into people.
After a while, a slow, romantic song plays and everyone starts grabbing either their mates or girlfriends. Everyone has somebody, even Y/N's friend. So Y/N goes to sit away from the middle, not wanting to be seen alone on the dance floor, before a quite tall, beautiful guy comes up behind her with his hand out.
"D'you wanna dance?" Bill asks in his gentle voice, looking at her with such pretty eyes. Y/N was looking at him, his features and fell in love almost instantly. His features perfectly proportioned and his body just perfectly shaped.
"Uh..uhm yeah. Sure" She stammers at his beauty. Putting her hand in his and he pulls her up, and slowly takes her to the dance floor where he puts his hand around her waist and the other holds her hand. As she is looking down, not wanting to hold any awkward eye contact, he admires her; her style, the black on her water line, and her hair, falling perfectly off her shoulder.
"You're really pretty" Bill whispers quietly, so nobody else can hear him.
"... you too" She whispers back, smiling at him.
The song starts to end and everyone around them is leaning in for a kiss. Bill decides to do the same; he slowly leans in for a kiss and they touch lips, Y/N in shock of what he had done, but a good kind of shock.
"I didn't get your name by the way..?"
"Oh, it's Y/N. What's yours?"
"Bill" He says with a smile. The song roars back up, every body jumping around again. Bill walks away from her, hearing his name being called from another angle. She's all alone again so she decides to call a uber and go home.
The Stranger's Kiss
FanficFrom school, a party is announced at someone's house. Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg are invited and decide to go. All the songs are loud and up beat until a slow, romantic song comes on and everyone goes with someone to dance with, except Bill and Y/N...