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a few days after satoru had left for his mission, there was a mission of your own that you had to deal with.

or rather, a mission your students had to deal with, making it your own as well. logic.

you listened as ijichi briefed about the situation. something along the lines of confirming and rescuing any survivors in a detention centre.

the whole thing was sketchy and very risky considering that the curse behind it is suspected to be a special grade.

trusting a bunch of first years with little to no experience reasoning it with being understaffed and as an emergency case, you were convinced the stupid geezers did this with an ulterior motive.

“and im asked to escort you back” ijichi’s words snapped you out of your thoughts.
“excuse me?”

“chief's orders. they don't trust you being here on your own without mr gojo to supervise you.”
you scoff at that.

“you really expect me to leave these kids knowing they could run into a special grade curse?”
“you can't even use your techniques anyway… at least thats what im told.” he looked away nervously.

“listen here!” you grabbed his collar furiously.
“y/n sensei.” megumi interjected “we know the procedure. we can handle this.”

“gumi i know you can but this is far too risky-”
“please. trust us.”
you sigh as you shove ijichi away.

“that's right sensei! leave it to us we got this!!” yuji chimed in.
“totally. it'll be a piece of cake” nobara said confidently.

“but still…”
“i advice you to follow procedures miss.” ijichi interrupted. “this is the best for us. the chief-”
“shut up.” you cut him off and turn to your students.

“if anything, anything happens… run for it. don't fight it, absolutely no fighting. you guys better come back in one piece each.”

“of course!” yuji said enthusiastically as the other two nodded. reluctantly, you made your way back inside ijichi's car, the anxious feeling never leaving you.

once you reach back to the school you came across shoko. you hadn't had the time to catch up with her properly after you returned.

“look who it is, criminal turned prisoner?” she chuckle and you scoff.
“haha very funny. how have you been?” you ask, walking next to her as she made her way towards the infirmary.

“so so. hey i quit smoking. you proud?” she asked almost teasingly as you had always lectured her about how harmful it was back then.

although she could use her reverse cursed technique to ensure she doesn't have any damage to her body, that didn't stop you from giving her an earful about the effects it could have on other people as well.

“very proud. took you long enough”
she was the one scoffing this time.

“hey we should catch up and have a drink together sometime” she suggests as her eyes darted to yours. you don't know how but the dark circles under her eyes made her more attractive somehow.

“what? going from smoke to alcohol?” you chuckle as she laughed back.
“nah we're adults now. lets abuse that privilege. plus i havent seen you around since you keep sticking only to gojo.”

“i don't ‘stick’ to gojo it's the higher ups and their conditions. even now i cant supervise over the first years in their very very risky mission…” you grumble, frowning at the thought.

“gee i never thought you'd conform to orders since you know, the betrayal and all…” she teased and you couldn't help but laugh at the fact that she was right.

“no no you're right. what the hell am i doing?” the sky was darkening, the rain threatening to pour but that didn't stop you from tearing away the talisman around your wrist.

“now that's the y/n i know. go, i’ll cover for you over here if anybody asks”
“thanks shoko” you smile as the rain started to pour.

you rush towards the detention centre again, the talisman long discarded. you could only hope and pray nothing went wrong in the meantime and that all your students were safe.

upon reaching the place you found that it was destroyed. frantically you searched around the area for any signs of the trio.

finally your eyes landed on something or rather, someone.

you ran to him. he was standing there, fist clenched as he looked at something, someone, in front of him lying on the ground face down.

your heart dropped to see yuji’s lifeless body surrounded by a pool of blood. you froze in shock. this isn't happening this couldn't happen. not again.

shakily you crouched down and turned him around, his chest hollow and heart discarded. you look up at megumi who stared blankly at the scene.

“megumi are you… are you alright?”
he nods slightly.
after confirming his well being, you held yuji up, megumi helped as you drape the pink haired boy's limp arms over your shoulder.

“we need to get him to shoko, see if she can do… something” you knew he was dead and that it was pointless but you had to do something. anything.

with the talisman gone you could be capable of using your lightspeed. you were skeptical if it would work after not using any cursed energy for a while but you decided to use it anyway.

“i’ll be back soon, wait here okay?” you instructed megumi. chanelling your cursed energy, you travel at the speed of light reaching the school in less than half of a second.

leaving yuji, or his body, in shoko's care you rushed back to megumi in under a minute.

“nobara, where is she?”

“mr ijichi took her to the hospital” his voice was so meek it was barely audible. ijichi had immediately gone back to the site after he escorted you back at school. you wanted to beat yourself up for not following him too and for leaving in the first place.

“lets head back.” you gently pressed your fingers on megumi’s head making him lose his consciousness.

lightspeed on a concious untrained person could be harmful so you figured this was probably for the best. you held the boy in your arms as you lightsped back to the school.

upon reaching the infirmary however, the exhaustion hit you like a brick. you were running on adrenaline earlier but now that you relaxed a bit, you could feel your body slowly giving out both from the overwhelming use of your cursed energy and from all the thoughts worrying you.

you stumble as you place megumi onto an empty bed. you tried standing but your vision blurred and your head throbbed in pain.

you squeeze your eyes shut feeling your energy slowly seeping out of your body, the world spinning.

finally you gave up trying to fight it and just let yourself fall, the last glimpse you had was of someone with an all too familiar blond hair seemingly rushing to your aid.

𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃

eyy our favourite blond man finally making an appearance????

also i really like y/n's cursed technique hehe

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