chapter 13•

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I ran out the house, all I could hear was running foot steps behind me screaming out my name "finney please wait!" He yelled. I stopped and turned around "I can't believe I actually thought you'd change." I said. He stared at me with his mouth open. "Finney I did change.. that was a few months ago I- "the only reason I ever even talked to you was because Bruce convinced me too. I knew you didn't change. I knew something was wrong"

Another tear fell down my face. "You're a sick person. After everything you did to me I still gave you another chance and you fucking did this, you don't care about anyone but yourself Robin!! You're a selfish piece of shit." I saw him crying, how could I care though? What's wrong with him? "I know. You're right. It wasn't okay and I shouldn't have ever agreed to it. Please just give me another chance finney I swear I'll-

"Are you fucking serious right now?! How do you even have the audacity to ask me that?!" I stood there in anger. I saw Vance and Bruce walk towards us. Bruce spoke: "What the fucks wrong with you Robin?! Finney told me. He told me that you wouldn't change and you didn't. How could you do that to him??" Bruce yelled. Robin walked towards him to put a hand on his shoulder. "I know im sorry please just- he got caught off by Vance punching him the face. "Don't fucking touch him dickweed!"

Vance pushed him down to the cement. "Finneys like a little brother to me. He never did anything wrong to you and all he ever did was give you a chance and man he fucking fell in love with you. I can see the way he looks at you. Why'd you have to fuck that up?" Vance punched him over and over, robin didn't even move. Neither did I. I watched as his nose bled out and I started to walk away with Bruce.

I heard one last punch as Vance stood up and walked back towards us, I looked back and saw robin laying unconscious on the floor. "I think I really fucked him up im gonna get arrested again!" He said "Robin wont dare to press a single charge on you." I said. "Finney do you wanna come to my house so you don't have to deal with your dad?" Bruce asked. "He Tran away. My aunt Samantha or something is staying with us. But yeah, can I just come to yours?"

Bruce nodded. We got to his house. We were in the living room watching an Adam Sandler movie. This wasn't helping. I knew what I needed. I grabbed the remote and shut off the tv. "Bruce, where's your stuff." I asked. "What?" He said in return, concerned. "I need some now" Vance stood up and ran upstairs. He came back with cocaine and weed. I immediately took the cocaine and sniffed in. "Woah finney I don't think you should be-

I cut him off by grabbing the weed from Vance's hands and slamming it on the table, starting to smoke it.

three hours later

"Mmmm i think im high Bruce!!" I yelled. The phone rang. It was my aunt. Bruce answered the phone. "Finney your aunt wants you home so I'll drive you.. take these glasses and don't get caught. I love you okay" Vance picked me up and brought me to the car. When I got home my aunt was at the stairs. "Finney where have you been?! I've been worried sick for you!!" She yelled. "Oh shut up, it's not that late.." I said "Exucse me? Don't talk to me like that please and it's 1 in the morning." I started to walk up the stairs as she pulled my glasses off

"Hey fuck you those are mine!" She stared at my reddened eyes in shock. "Oh finney.." she grabbed me and hugged me. If this was my dad he would've beat the shit out of me. I started to sob in her shoulder "let me go!" I yelled. I'd never cried this much since my mom passed. I saw Gwen walk down the stairs. I looked up and she saw my eyes too. I ran up to my room and shoved my face in the pillow. Gwen walked in and sat on the bed.

"Finney I know what happened. Bruce told me" she said. I hesitated to speak. "I loved him Gwenny." I could barely make the words. "I thought he changed." She held onto me. "We all did. Even I did Finney." I started to cry again. "He's not worth it finney. You'll find another guy, it might take a bit but it'll be worth it okay?" "Fuck guys" I said. "Fuck guys" Gwen repeated it. "But finney, cocaines illegal and dangerous. I can't lose you to that. Please promise me you won't do it again" she said, and I knew she was worried.

"Okay. I wont do it I promise." I hugged her and I didn't wanna let go.


word count; 857

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