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"Honoris Causa. The words they yelled when they had broken into my family home in the heart of Mistral. A company of soldiers the town had admired, brutally slaughtered my family. They took my sister, and now, at the rise of Niflheim storming through our homelands. I fear that they'll do even worse. Whoever this reaches, The Frontier is a liar, they have never had the good intentions of humanity in mind. Do not think for a moment they'll honor your safety or your life, because the moment they know you're loyal. They'll exploit you, they'll kill you." -Unknown Soldier.


"Further news ahead as protests against both the Overwatch Organization and The Frontier Corporation reach a massive head, as many begin to doubt the true intentions and heroism of both military companies. Ties with Lucis are also beginning to be strained, as Niflheim continues to have a heavy hold on Mistral's Southern regions and has not yet reached Haven Academy. The Imperial Commander, Ravus Nox Fleuret, has refused to comment on the situation while Chancellor Izunia has attended to the East in order to reach a negotiation with Frontier Militant General Leviathan, otherwise known as Ranger Washington and General Schnee of Atlas. Further information will be discussed at 5."

The TV flickered off, as Drifty lazily sat on the couch of her rundown apartment in Causa. She stretched out her body, getting up and passing by a few photos with people she used to run with back in the day with. She checked the cupboard in the Kitchen for her dosage of Rush, grabbing the white bag of a crushed ashy white compound with the same texture as Sugar, opening it and rushing it down her body. Giving her a rush of proper energy, as she danced around towards her door. She took off a small black and yellow jacket from the hanger and a lazy backwards ballcap. She put them both on before starting walking out her normally cozy home.

The hallway of the apartments was the smell of wretched, unadulterated sin. From Old Man Bones' room, she could hear the moans of much younger escorts already at 8 in the morning. From Abi's room, lines of rush and coke being snorted in much heavier doses. Something she's been used to for a majority of her life was just the uncontrollable sins that people loved to commit. Drifty was no different, just a junkie and an alcoholic too full of pride and ego to really see past that very clouded judgement.

Bouncing from stair to stair to a heavy melody she had remembered putting on her scroll the night before, she was in her own world of high right now. Her younger cousin, Rat, was already out and about but didn't say where he'd be. She always let him do whatever, just as long as he texted her a bit and had 5 weapons minimum on him, she could care less what he did if no one else hurt him. There were fights happening a few blocks down as dealers were at every alley trying to sell something in just this singular small area of the massive city. She was a bit woozy as she heard something drop, looking back on the stairs, before looking up at the doorway of the apartment. Saying her eyes only opened slightly would be that of an understatement.

There, she saw her much older cousin. A well shaven 7'5 goliath of a man, his more darker skin complexion radiating in the light of the sun like a servant of the Gods. His long blue frockcoat falling behind his legs as golden emblems of clocks and chimes were sewn deep into the tailored fashion. His towering torso was covered by a black vest with two single gold chains dangling from one side the other, with a deep blue tie being fashioned over his white ruffle shirt. There were two sets of long black horns that curved down and up his head. With a radiant gold to blue ombre transpiring around the horns, he bends forwards and grins widely. To the naked eye, you could see bits of an unknown flesh like piece stuck in between his much sharper canines.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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