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Andy shook his head. "Thorne, Oliver is incredibly dangerous and I think it's fair that you know that if you're going to be hanging out with him", he said. "He runs through people like nobody's business, just feeding on them without rhyme or reason. And every now and again, just for the pleasure of it, he'll turn someone. He's been ousted by a lot of the Communities for this type of stuff. And I think he likes you, which is really dangerous, Thorne. He'll keep you around for feeding purposes and someone's probably going to come along and try to kill you or use you to get to him or-"

"So someone like you is going to use me to get to someone I don't have any particular feelings for?" I questioned. "Charming, Andy, seriously. But why don't you go bark up another tree? Valerie's been making googly eyes at him for the last two hours."

Andy gripped my shoulders and peered into my eyes. "Thorne, I'm just looking out for you. I'm telling you what I wish I could've told Ashley. I-"

"Who's Ashley?" I asked. "Is that your girlfriend or something?"

"No, he's not", Andy sighed. He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Thorne. I had a friend a long time ago, a teammate named Ashley who helped me fight vampires. We were part of a secret organization. Ashley got a lead on this guy named Mitch, who was Oliver's friend. Ashley didn't survive the attack, so I avenged him. Oliver, being the sneaky bastard he is, spiked a glass of wine I had at a party and...that's that." He frowned as I cocked an eyebrow.

"So what did you want to tell Ashley?" I questioned.

The slayer glanced down to his boots. "Our kind isn't worth it", Andy chuckled sardonically. "If there's anything I've learned about being like this, it's that vampires just...well...they suck!"

"I thought they were supposed to?" I giggled.

Andy grinned. "Well yeah! You know...the only reason I think I haven't offed myself yet is because I feel like I have an obligation to Ashe."

I sat down on the bathroom sink and stared at Andy. He had a far away, pensive look in his eyes while he subconsciously played with his lip ring. "Well, you got rid of that Mitch guy, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, but..." Andy shrugged. "I'm too deep into this to get out you know? It's like when you try renovating a house and eventually you realize you don't like how the renovations are going but you've put enough money and stuff into it that you might as well just finish it." He sighed. "Oliver's lucky you were in the cemetery that night", he laughed. "He knows the code like I do. Even better in fact."

"What's the code?" I asked.

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